Chapter 10

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A/n:this chapter gonna have SA

Angeline's pov
December 29, 2005

I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv with my little cousin Carlo watching some kids show when Mateo calls my name from up stairs so I get up to see what he wants. I open the door and he doesn't have a shirt on

"Put a shirt on for fucks sakes. What do you want?"

I sigh out the last part. He puts on some weird button up shirt and I look at him perplexed.

"What? It's my work uniform, I start in like 20 minutes. Also I have a huge favour to ask you." He pauses for a second and takes a deep breath. "Can you please go to Leonardo's place and get some weed?"

He said it in one breath, it takes a second for my brain to register what he just asked.

"Fuck no. Absolutely not. What is wrong with you?"

I whisper yell at him, is he insane? Why the fuck would I want to go there, alone, ever again? He gives me a pleading look.

"Look sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the things you want, you want it right? I'll even pay for it."

He holds up 50 euros, I snatch the money from his hand and give him a stern look,

"If anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, happens to me, I'm going to cut your dick off and make the meat into ravioli."

I aggressively stated, I know he'd never forgive himself if something did happen.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate this, I love you so much, be at his by 12:30."

Jeez thanks for the heads up, its 12 o'clock.
I sarcastically think to myself. While I'm walking to Leonardo's my heart beats fast in my chest, My stomach is in pain and I feel like I'm going to faint.

Once I get there I knock on the front door and he opens it.

"Angela?" He smirks, "What are you doing here?"

"Picking up weed for Mateo."

I say blandly, I don't want to give him any type of emotion, I don't even want to talk to him.

"Come around back, I'll weigh it for you."

He says almost sweetly. He's truly disgusting.

"No I'll just wait for you here, thanks."

The 'thanks' comes out sarcastically.

"Look I would but, what if someone sees me giving you weed? This is a small town you know? If someone does sees, they'll probably tell your Aunt, and you'd get into so much shit."

As much as I hate to admit it he's right. I go through the house trying to keep a safe distance. We get outside to the shed and he opens the sliding door waiting for me to go in. I stare up at him, and after a minute of looking at each other, his face softens.

"Look Angela, I'm really sorry, I was so high that night and clearly wasn't thinking straight, but I would never do anything like that again. I really am sorry."

He sounded genuinely sorry but I don't care he thinks he has the right to do that because he was high.

"I'm not here for an apology, I'm here for weed."

I step in and instantly reget it, just having this feeling like something bad was going to happen. I gave him the money and he went to the dresser opening one of the drawers and getting out a zip lock bag with a few nuggets in it.

He hands it to me and I turn around to leave, when he tightly grabs my wrist. Fuck. I tell him to let go of me but he doesn't instead pulling me closer to him.

"Just so you know I'm not sorry at all. In fact I'd probably do it again, like right now."

I'm frozen in place, I know I should be doing something but can't move. He puts my wrists together and walks backwards until I'm against the wall, and puts my hands above my head. I try to move my leg to see if a can get my knee to his balls but its no use, one of his legs in between mine and I can't move either of them. He aggressively takes my face in his hand and turns it to one side, licking a wet trail from my collarbone to my jaw. He turns my head back so I'm looking up at him, tears sting my eyes and its no use to try to stop them from falling. He snickers and leans in to kiss me, just before he does,

"Leonardo, stop it please, I don't want this."

My voice is barley above a whisper and mid sentence I chock on a sob. He keeps going though, when his lips meet mine I feel like throwing up. I'm so defenceless right now, there nothing I can do to protect myself. I stop trying to get out of his grasp and he eventually lets go of  my hands, while one of his is on my waist and the other gently grab a hold of one my tits slightly squeezing it. Once he pulls away from my lips he start to kiss my neck, I just wanted get some weed, why couldn't I just do that?

Once he finally stopped, I continue to stand against the wall still completely frozen. He picked up the bag of weed I dropped and put in my hand

"I over packed it for you, because you let me do that."

I didn't responds, he held my face again and demanded that I look at him, my eyes slowly move to his and once we make eye contact he quietly by aggressively said,

"If you tell anyone, I'll do much worse, got it?"

I nodded my head and he let go of me telling me to leave, I scurried out the door and ran home not even thinking to look back. As soon as I get there I run upstairs and get lay down on my bed facing the wall, letting everything sink in.

For fuck sakes I just wanted to get some weed, why does everything have to be so fucked. I can't even say anything about it, I'm scared of what 'worse' actually is.

Yall I'm sorry.

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