Chapter 3

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Pumpkinkit stretches and yawns. She climbs out of her nest. The first thing the small kitten does is looking in the grass, searching for her toy. "There you are, Mr. Brownstick!" she purrs. The kitten gives the stick a nudge and trots out of the nursery, her tail high. Pumpkinkit walks straight to the preypile and chooses a frog, her favourite meal! The black and ginger she-kit goes back to the nursery, where she puts her frog down and walks to the grass. "Look, Mister! I brougt us a frog!" she purred. "Who are you talking to?" a loud, arrogant voice sounded at the entrance of the nursery. Spottedkit! "N-no one" she hissed. "Really? Then who is Mister Brownstick?" he laughed, knowing its fake. "Lemme see!" Spottedkit pushes the smaller she-cat aside. He looks to the ground and bursts into a laugh. "HAH- a stick?! How old are you, 2 moons?!" he laughs and grabs the stick. "NO- Wait! Stop!" yowls Pumpkinkit, before running to Spottedkit and pushing him aside. But spottedkit jumps aside and runs out of the nursery, with the small, stick. "NO!! STOP! SPOTTEDKIT!" Pumpkinkit runs after him, almost crying. She sees how he runs out of camp, but through a secret tunnel. What is he doing for Starclan's sake?! The grass rustles and feel soft under my paws as the wind blows between my fur. Where is he going to?! her nose fills with a weird, disgusting scent and Pumpkinkit sees a black path with white lines toward her. She sees how Spottedkit throws the stick on it. Pumpkinkit crawls closer, shocked when a giant, red thing rides over Mr. Brownstick. Pumpkinkit's mouth fall's open, unable to move she stares at the broken stick. "M-Mr. Brownstick?" she whimpers and walks slowly to the thunderpath. The kitten doesnt care about the monsters and steps on the path, to the toy. She looks at the stick in horror and sits vigil for a while. 

"HAHA!" laughs Spottedkit. "Your stupid stick is broken now!" he yells. The blood in Pumpkinkit's veins turns to ice. Her eyes flash. She turns her head, slowly. And stares at the bully, sheating her claws. "You...YOU MONSTER!" she screams and lungs to Spottedkit. The kitten slashes her claws in Spottedkit's cheek. Spottedkit yowls of pain and blood drips out of the fresh wound. Pumpkinkit hisses. "You've bullying me my whole life for Starclan's sake!! I realy hope you rot in the Darkforest." she growls and grabs the leftover's of Mr. Brownstick before running back to camp.

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