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The Hybrid

"i already hate this town." karina muttered. daphne grinned. "oh come on, it's not that bad!"

karina stopped walking and raised her eyebrows. the red-head just rolled her eyes, grabbed karina's hand and dragged her into the mystic grill.

the two looked around for a spare table, daphne spotted one and practically ran over to it.

the blonde followed after her in a huff. they sat down and a blonde waiter walked up to them.

"welcome to the mystic grill, what can i get started for you two, today?" the man said with a fake smile on his face.

daphne scanned the menu while karina spoke up. "i'll just have a lemonade." she gave him a tight smile, "i'll have coke with ice, please."

the man scruffled down quick notes on his little pad, "okay, i'll get those for you right away."

karina visibly eyed his name tag. "thank you, matt." she smiled.

he walked off and a familiar brunette caught daphne's eye. "i spy a doppelganger." she sang in a hushed tone.

karina subtly turned her head into the direction her best friend was looking in.

she was with, what smelled like a werewolf, tyler she thought his name was. he was looking through a phone. "thanks for this." elena said.

"i know it's asking a lot."

"as caroline likes to remind me, stefan's in this mess because i bit damon. i figure i owe you one." he paused as elena spotted the two girls looking over as they sipped their drinks.

"have you talked to her today?" he asked in a concerned tone.

"no, why?" brushing off a scared feeling.

"just curious. here, that's your best bet." he passed her the phone back.

she quickly thanked the boy and made her way over to alaric who was sat at the bar, drinking a coffee, most likely mixed with bourbon.

"did you get anything?"

"how do you feel about a hike through the smoky mountains?" daphne and karina looked at each other, the blonde wiggled her eyebrows at the red-head who had a stubborn look on her face.

the two at the bar stood up and walked out. daphne spotted the keys in the brunette's hand.

they finished their drinks before making their way back to their rented out apartment. more like compelled.


after walking for a while, they heard splashing, using their enhanced hearing, "damon! how are you even here?"

the girls grinned at each other, making their way into the clearing next to the water.

they saw elena waist deep in the river with damon slowly walking into it. alaric was still on dry ground with their bags.

𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍, rebekah mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now