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I silenced my lips to your name's sweet refrain,
Yet this deceitful heart succumbed to love's pain.
A prayer unspoken, in the shadows it stays,
You, the light that guides my heart's disarray.

Miles of infinity stretch 'twixt our parted lips,
Gaze into my eyes, decipher love's cryptic scripts.
Heroism, a facade, your villainy I crave,
In the midst of light, your darkness engraved.

Foolish heart believed love could defy,
Yet it led me to a unique darkness, oh, so sly.
A cage, I built, my heart ensnared within,
You vowed liberation, a promise now grown thin.

Now, it's ashes, the remnants of our start,
Love's laughter drowned
in the echoes of a breaking heart.
How do I tell you? In silence,
I am nothing but a soul torn apart.



❝  To every soul who has lost its innocence and yearns for it.


❝ Zahra, my love is a midnight storm, fierce and wild. It's not a gentle breeze but a force that engulfs me, burning with an intensity I can't rein in. I'd willingly ignite the world for you, consumed by the flames of this overpowering affection.

Yet, the unsettling truth is that losing myself in the embers of your love doesn't feel like a dreadful fate. It's a haunting desire, an obsession I can't escape. I'm like a moth irresistibly drawn to a flame, helpless and entranced. In this turmoil, I'm unsure if I've found you or lost myself. Is this a blessing or a pain, the beginning, or the inevitable end? The lines blur, and I'm caught in a dance of emotions beyond my control. And right now, everything feels hazy, like I'm navigating through a storm of feelings, and I can't seem to find solid ground.


"What happened to that innocent little girl I once knew? What have you done to her?"

"She's gone, darling. I killed her myself. Emotions, passions, goals - I let them clash, and she withered away. Pathetic, really."



In the vast depth of your eyes, ink loses its way,
Lost in darkness, where beauty holds sway.
I sought to let you dwell in my heart's expanse,
Yet it was stolen, leaving me in a loveless trance.

In mourning, I lament all that's gone,
A heart stripped bare, love withdrawn.
How did I lose you, yet you linger, a haunting myth,
All that remains, a bittersweet, love-stricken gift.

How did I lose you, yet you linger, a haunting myth,All that remains, a bittersweet, love-stricken gift

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