Mystical beings

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Dead silence. The tropical forest of nothing. What people think are beautiful tropical plants like the Rainforest of e Amazon, i see boring perfection. Great umbrella trees covering the ground. She idling the lesser variety of Elephant Ears, Venus Fly Traps, and dainty flowers. Only small streams of light shone through the thick each other. The ground is full of grass and debris perfectly placed to make the perfect scenery. All I see are reddish-brown trunks with dark green leaves around me.

I began walking towards the path In the middle of e perfect forest. A wide, yellow-beige, straight path full of sandy soil. No trace of debris or even weeds sprouting from the quicksand. Spotless. But something drove me to this vet clean quicksand path.

A bear walks up to me. A grand brown bear with varying hues of grey. Every limb equally proportioned to its boy except for its eyes. At first I didn't see them, but I saw something sparkle under its fur. It's eyes were specks of glitter. They glared at me and I, too, glared right back. I did nothing but stand there and glare.

After a while, I walked away from the late, speckled-eye bear. I found a black container on e quicksand, but it wasn't an ordinary container; an unnaturally curved puzzle box. The onyx gem carved into a cube with six extra corners at each faces' centre. I solved thee puzzle and saw water within the vessel. I sat it back down and continued walking the path.

To my left was a boy of water. The one place where the sun shined through the thick leaves, it formed a circle around he area. The water was a brilliant blue waterfall; the sun glistened on top of the trapped water hole. The same trees a and plants surrounded the water. In some people's eyes it's beautiful and perfect, but i see a tropical paradise. I looked at it not amused by its so called 'beauty' and continued on the straight quicksand path.

"Why do people conform to the same idea of beautiful" I ked myself, "and does it have to be perfect?"

I came upon a wall. It was tall and never ending. A lingering aroma filled the air; as I walked closer to the wall the stronger the smell was. I touched the wall and when I lifted my hand a soft, white powder covered it. I liked my finger; it was powdered sugar! I patted the sweet wall, but to my surprise none had fallen and it was hard. Soon enough I heard sounds coming from beyond the wall.

I climbed the tallest tree that was near the sweet wall. The figures I saw surprised me as well. Shadows! They were literally shadows; there were no solid objects or people to create these mystical beings. I wasn't scared by such creatures. I fling myself over the sweet wall using the tree as a catapult. I soared through the sugar field air and landed on some fluff. These shadow creatures wore gem armor with gold and silver linings. They made gestures to each other like they were talking, but no sound exchanged. One color 'talking' to another. Then the shadows he'd fall back, but revealed a person within and speaking my native Tongue!

She said, "welcome!"

"What are these things you all wear?" I asked.

"These are our shields, from those that want us to be alike and not express our individuality," she replied.

I found the place that can help me be me by myself.

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