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A day before the Christmas holidays.

Hermione walked down to hogsmeade to Zonko's old joke shop to find Fred. She knocked on the door.

Fred came rushing to the door.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey yourself." She said, hugging him.

"When are you coming back home?" She asked.

"Same time as you." He said. "Thought I'd schedule it perfectly."

"Do you want a glass of water or anything?" he offered, nervously.

"Oh no I'm fine, thank you." She said, politely "How's the setup going?"

"Oh yeah it's great, um...so I'm thinking of putting the wonder witch products here." He gestured. He walked her through his other ideas for the layout.

"And you live upstairs?" Asked Hermione.

"Yeah, it's not much but it's pretty cosy."

"Can I see?" She asked.

"Oh...um it's pretty untidy." He said, looking embarrassed. He remembered Celine's comments about his untidy room.

"I don't mind, I'm...interested." She said with a smile.

They walked up the stairs to Fred's tiny apartment. It was dimly lit, but warm. Boxes were strewn across  the apartment.

"That's my room there," he said, gesturing to the next room. The door was open enough to see a double bed which was unmade and a few socks strewn across the floor. "Then there's a bathroom the size of a postage stamp over there"

"It's nice, I like it." She said.

"I really wasn't expecting guests, Hermione." Said Fred, sheepishly.

"Oh so I'm a guest now." Hermione laughed.

"Yeah I s'pose you are." He smiled.

"It's nice to see you've moved in properly." She said.

"Yeah I'm more settled so if you ever wanna hang out here or whatever then my door's always open to you. Have the spare key if you want." He offered.

"Really? Thank you, Fred."

"Well who else would I trust with my spare key?"  He said, walking into his room and looking for the key.

"True, I wouldn't trust Ginny with it." She joked, following him.

He looked in his bedside draw and handed her the key.

"Thanks." Said Hermione. She sat on his bed.

"So you'll be off tomorrow on the train, then?" Asked Fred.

"Yeah. How are you getting back?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh I'll just find my way back I suppose." He said.

"Like your secret floo network with George?" She said.

Fred's face dropped. "But how did you...?"

"The fireplace there was a bit of a giveaway, also you and George would never live so far apart without a quick way back." She shrugged.

"You're too brilliant for your own good, Hermione Granger you know that?" He said, sitting next to her on the bed.

"I know." She smiled. She turned cross legged towards him.

"Well you can't tell anyone or I'll revoke your key privileges." He laughed.

"Nope, you'll have to kill me before you get it back." She joked.

"Nah I'll just convince you with my natural charm and dashing good looks."

"Well we'll see how that works out for you, Fred Weasley."

"Oh will we indeed?" Fred joked.

"I'd like to see you try." She said, pushing him away playfully.

"Well maybe I will." He said.

How did this go from joking to flirting? Hermione thought. She felt so guilty, but she wasn't stopping. She could stop at any point. Maybe Ginny's right. Maybe I should see where this could go.

"I'd like to see you try, Fredrick." She winked.

She was flirting. And joking. This was new territory for her. Her and Ron never properly flirted, not in this way at least and it felt new and it felt good.

She was lost in thought and suddenly, Fred's lips were on hers, initiated by him this time.

His hand was cupping her face and his lips were gently placed on hers. It was wrong but it felt so right.

She pulled away in shock and raised her fingers to her lips as if the kiss was still lingering there.

"Hermione I'm so sorry, I just got caught up in the moment that was stupid I'm so sorry. Shit. I'm sorry." He said, his head in his hands. "That was so stupid."

"Fred calm down it's okay." She said. "You just took me by surprise a bit, that's all." She said, stroking his hair.

"Come here." She whispered. She peeled his hands away from his face and this time she kissed him. And it was different.

The kiss was tender, he was passionate with her and he didn't hold back this time. His tongue gently slid into her mouth and caressed hers.

"I'm...so...confused." She whispered between kisses.

"Me too." He replied, but it was as if their mouths were magnets, pulling each other in. He placed his hand gently on her back and pulled her closer while he dove in for more.

"Granger." He said softly, breaking the kiss.

"Mmm." She said before kissing him again.

"Theres nothing I want more than to do this with you." He said.

She smiled into his lips.

"But we can't. You're with Ron." He said, resting his forehead on hers.

"I know." She said sadly.

"Don't get me wrong, I do want to...I really do, but we just can't...you have Ron so we should stop. Before this goes any further." He said.

"Yeah I know...you're right, Fred." She said.

She hugged him and they held each other tight, not wanting to ever let go. He kissed her on the head and took his hands in hers.

"Don't ever take this as I'm not interested because I am." He gulped. "I definitely am, it's just..."

"I know."

"But I do really like you, Granger."

"You're still not getting your key back." She winked. "You'll have to do more than kiss me once to get that back."

Fred turned red.

"I'm joking." She said, hitting him.

He cupped her face in his hands. "Don't ever think I don't like you, because I really do. But..Ron's my brother...and your boyfriend and I can't do this to him."

"I understand, Fred."  She whispered, wiping a stray hair out of his eyes. "I agree. We shouldn't...let's just have a nice Christmas tomorrow and forget this happened, okay?" She said.

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now