Chapter 4: the truth and the blame

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     Claire opened her eyes finally, and the first thing she saw was the penthouse of her room. She asked the maids about Ali and Bilal, then the maid told her that both of them had disappeared and nobody had seen them since that day. Suddenly, a french soldier knocked the door and Claire opened it. «Good morning Mrs Richilieu, and sorry for bothering you on this beautiful morning.

_What , you're not satisfied with taking the father , now you're here to take the daughter also?

_ No ma'am, I'm looking for someone.

_ who? It's just me and the maids.

_ I'm looking for someone called Ali, a young Arabic man. The last time we saw him was last week, and he had been here.

_ I don't know where's him , but why?

_ If you ever meet him again, tell him that he is in trouble.

_ What has he done?

_ Well , probably you're Richilieu's daughter , but I think you're going to understand and be at our side since you were born French. 

The whole time, Claire was pretending to be French, but she was loyal to her mother country, Algeria. She just kept acting since she wanted to know what was happening.She said:

_  then tell me ,maybe my father wanted to betray France but I don't.

_ well, he had been spying on your father's job , then he told us about his reality. We promised him to take him to France, but he just ran away. It's not that we're looking for him to take him there, of course I don't want any Algerian seeds to be spread in our beautiful france. We're looking for him so that we can get rid of him before he gets us in trouble.

Claire's veins started to shiver, and she emptied all the air in her lungs in one flow.In a few words from that soldier, she saw the reality and the actual scenario remaining. Before feeling sorry for her father who got betrayed by the closest person to him, and before feeling that strong desire to take revenge on Ali, she felt guilt smothering her, the guilt of denying the innocence of the only person in the world who was honest with her,that is Bilal. She slammed the door in the face of that soldier and disappeared. She ordered everybody in the palace to bring her Bilal. Claire started preparing suitable words to apologize to her lover, but a tall man with black glasses interrupted her with his aggressive knocking on the door. 

When she opened it, she saw Mark, her mother's secretary. He told her that he came to take her to France since she got arrested, but she refused. Claire's parents got divorced when she was eight years old, but her father succeeded to keep her with him in Algeria, and her mother went back to France. Since then, Claire had never met with her mother, but she kept writing to her without receiving any replies, for twelve years. Mark took Claire using force, and her mother's maids got her in the boat aggressively. It was so painful for her to leave Algeria as her real country where she belongs, and on the other hand, she had to apologize to Bilal for not trusting him, and for blaming him and getting him in trouble.

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