Chapter 2: The Visitor.

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"After I had came blasting into my house like some like of rouge lightning bolt, my family had taken me to Team Flash's hideout, Star Labs or I guess you could say, The Flash Museum." But the hide out was located underneath the place. While upstairs was filled with things about my dad's adventures. 

And right now we were in The Speed Lab. It is this place where my dad and the others could see and test a speedster's speed and right now I was racing around the track having so much fun. Woo! That is so awesome. it is really cool. I can't not believe this. Dad is this how you always feel whenever you run? In away. It feels so amazing. 

(Carol) So, how fast was she going? 

(Caitlin) About one percent faster then your father did when he had gotten his speed. So she's faster then dad. Only by a percent. Wow. Well, It make a lot of sense. Mom said. I mean. Carol inherited my powers and some of your speed. So, it would make sense that Luna would inherit your powers, Barry.

(Alex) But how did she activate them? 

(Cisco) Well, there hasn't been any dark matter lightning storms. So, it must have been something else. And then it hit me. No way. What, Lu? Carol asked me. This. This Crystal. I was just one my way home and then when I found this. I have speed. So, you just found this crystal and it somehow gave you speed? Both Mom and Dad asked me. Actually, said Aunt Caitlin. It looks more like it activated it but also, something else. 

According to the readings, Luna's speed seems to be different from Barry's. Different how? I don't know. This other energy it is not from the speed force, The Sage Force, strength force or still force. Whatever that Crystal is, Luna has that same energy flowing into her as well. Do you think that if she takes it off then she loses her speed? Ralph asked. I don't know. Let's see. I took it off and then I got ready to run again and when I took off running I was still able to move fast but my speed went down a bit. 

Well, I can still move fast. It looks like that when you run, you are absorbing the crystal's energy. And right now it says that you are only at 20 percent. What happens when she reaches 100 or how long? Alex asked? By my best guess if Luna keeps wearing it for three more days she will be at 100 as to what will happen. I honestly don't know. So, I can't ware it? Sorry, Luna. Dad told me. Well, okay. But, what other test are we going to do next? For right now, I have no Idea. Well, is it okay if I keep running then? Sure.

Thanks. Um, do you guys mind if I put on some music? Go ahead. Thank you. I  like to listen to music while I usually run. So I plugged in my phone and play my running list and it always started with the them song to my favorite video game character. "Sonic X." Really? Uncle Cisco had asked me. I like Sonic. While I was still running in the Speed Lab. In an ally not to far from Star Labs. Portal had opened and leaping out of it was a cloak figure. 

This is where you went? But where are you. He used some sort of device and it was showing him the location of the crystal and it pointed him too. So, your in there. Star Labs. while watching from a rooftop from far away someone was watching him. Back inside the Star Labs after all of the running that I did. I was dealing with the only downside or upside to having super speed. Being hungry. Oh. I said. That is way better. I guess I was hungry. 

Luna. Said Carol. You just eat 10 big belly burgers. I have only ever seen you eat just one. Another thing about becoming a speedster. Dad told me. Is that why sometimes when you run that you be taking peoples food. Barry. Mom said. Thanks a lot, Luna. Sorry. So, what happens now? What do you mean. Mom asked. I mean is that Dad going to show me how to use my powers. let's just slow it down for a second. Mom told me. Your mother is right, Luna. Dad told me. You just gotten your powers and we don't know what you can do.

Then isn't that more of a reason that I should learn. I mean what if come across someone in trouble and I am the only one there? I mean. Shouldn't learn first before I mess it up? Come on dad. Mom taught Carol. And you taught both Uncle Wally and Aunt Jessie. She dose have a point, Barry. Wally. Papa Joe told him. Look, Luna. One thing that I know is that what you got from both me and Joe is that you want to help people. I have seen that. When? 

A couple of times when we be see you at school. Like that time when you got into a fight with those four boys. Papa Joe stated. They took Katy wheel chair. That wasn't right. Or that time when those two girls were hanging that other girl from a tree. But that is what Mom and Dad have always taught us. That when someone is in trouble you should help them. But that is why I want to learn so that I can really help and not make things worse. For right now, Honey. We just need you to be patient.

Mom is right, sis. Carol had agreed. I mean it's not like trouble is just going to just show up. But as she had just said that. The stranger had came crashing through the window behind us and everyone stood ready as I had asked Carol. You were saying? Luna, said Dad. Stay behind us. I am not here to fight. Said the Stranger. I am a friend. Then why the hell are you hiding you face underneath that hood. 

Okay. He had removed his hood reviling to us his face. And it was. Garfield? Garfield Goldman? Luna, You know this guy? Sort of. He's a classmate of mine from school. Only this one is kind of different. That is because I'm not from your world. I'm from another one. My world is called Rinne. And I am not here to hurt or fight your world I am just here to retrieve something that was sent from my world to yours. And what's that? Aunt Alex asked him while aiming her gun at him.

The Zeper Crystal. The what? It is a crystal necklace. with a bright yellow crystal, Like. Lightning Yellow?  Ralph asked. Yes, do you have it? It's right here. Oh, thank goodness. You sure look very happy to see that? For good reason. We were trying to send it someplace to keep out of the hands of the mad monarch on my world know as the Dark King. The Dark King? Yes, he was once a normal man until he was consumed by both greed and dark magic. 

And has been for six weeks trying to enslaved my world. But this Crystal is the key stopping his even reign of terror. So, it's magical? I asked him. Yes. and I was sent here by my father and boss to retrieve it before any of his minions could come and clam it. Did you say Minions? Mom had asked him. Yes. So how did you know that it was here? J'onn asked him. This device that one of our scientist had made. It lead me here and it is telling me that the Crystals energy is coming from right in front of me? 

Wait, why is it saying that the energy is coming from you? Because my sister found it. Wait you found it? But just as we were talking. A fireball was just thrown into the room blasting all of us and causing Garfield to drop the Crystal. And entering the room in through the smoke with a sinister laugh. Ha, ha, ha! This that the minion that you were telling us. One of them. Who is this? He told us. The Ghoul. And flapping in with two green wing. And with fire in her hands was. And both Mom, Dad and I all said. Oh, my god. Is that a. A goblin? And Uncle Cisco finished by saying. For real? 

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