meeting cc

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You hear laughing in the distance you look and see a 12 year old boy crying on the floor hugging a plushie "hey leave him alone!" Y/n says pushing the bullies away you turn around to CC he stared at you shaking and terrified you put your hand out to him he covers his face scared you bend down to his height on the floor "hey it's okay I wont hurt you i promise dont worry i will help you with those mean bullies oh! And my name is y/n!
Evans pov:
O-oh um my name is Evan t-thank you I guess no one is ever nice to me. He blushes as he hides his face of embarrassment.
Y/n pov:
You giggle a bit as you see his blushing red face you help get him off the ground they both are blushing he tries to say something but fails you ask him to go to your house for board games he says no cuz he needs to go home "oh ok well have fun! See you soon"
Evans pov:
Evan thinks) soon but we just met oh well I guess. You both go home and go to bed
Y/n pov:
He was so cute omg I wonder if he goes to the same school as I do. Smiles of the thought of getting to see him almost everyday the next day...
Oh it's time to go to school and wait oh shoot I'm late!
Evan pov:
Yawns. Let's go to school. They both get ready when they are at school they bump into each other.

(Hey this is my first ever writing story and I was wondering if you guys can help me with some ideas and controls and stuff we'll enjoy <3

Evan afton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now