having a crush on Evan

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You wake up then get ready for school then you walk to school with Evan
Evans pov:
Oh hey y/n!" Oh hey Evan!" Evan puts his hand out to you after you put your hand out too he holds your hand and after you guys go to school holding hands everyone starts whispering... you guys start worrying a bit then a kid grabs me and pins me on the wall he then starts to kiss my neck and then he says "aww my dear you thought you could just leave me like that? Well your wrong my love" I then look sad and starts crying a bit Evan gets very mad and hits the random guy who pinned me to the wall "get off her she is MINE!" Evan said screaming to the guy everyone is shocked and y/n tries to break the fight pulling Evan away but fails horribly Evan says " y/n please stop  saving you" "PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER FOR ME ISNT SAVING ME!!" he ignores you completely then he starts fighting and he wins


You start blushing as he beat up your ex Evan then runs up to you hugging you... everyone is shocked scared to mess with me Evan then kisses my cheek softly you smile as he leaves to go to his class I go to my class then after school....
"Remember the playdate is tomorrow!". "ok Evan see you tomorrow" I go to my house I then cook myself food I then eat it you hear knocks on the door you check who it is......

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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