Lazy Nights

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"Jimin, love," Yoongi called from his workroom. "I'm done with work. It's time to get ready for bed!" No reply. "Love?" He slowly walked from his dark room, searching for the pink-haired boy. He found him soon enough, lying on the couch, fast asleep. "There you are."

"Hmm?" Jimin was disoriented.

"It's time to go to bed."

"What time is it?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Almost midnight. You fell asleep waiting for me to finish working, huh?"

"Yes. I came in earlier but you were so immersed in your producing." There was a quick pause for a yawn. "I didn't want to bother you."

"You never bother me Jimin. C'mon, let's go." he picked him up and Jimin wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist, burying his face in the space between his neck and shoulders. Soft music played from their shared bedroom, a special CD Yoongi had made just for the two of them. He knew Jimin couldn't sleep without it if he were by himself. He felt the younger boy's body fall limp as he surrendered to sleep again. "Silly boy," he thought. "You still need to put your pajamas on."

The black-haired boy lay the sleeping one down gently, starting to remove his shirt first. Jimin woke up and curled up into a ball before he could replace the missing shirt with a new one. "Cold."

"I know, but I'm about to give you a warmer shirt." 

"Can't you just hold me?" His tiny hands reached upward, making a grabbing motion toward Yoongi. 

"Not until you let me change your clothes."

"Fine." his lips formed a pout as he ran into the closet (hehehe, my current home still. But that's beside the point, back to the story) and changed into black sweatpants and an oversized gray T-shirt. "Ta-da." He seemed proud of himself. Yoongi laughed as he changed into shorts and a large black sweatshirt.

"Did you brush your teeth yet?" If looks could kill, Yoongi would be dead on the floor. "I'm sorry, bub; I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

"I already have. You're the one who needs to take care of himself."

"You've got a point there. I'll be back. Keep the bed warm for me."

"Okay." Jimin got comfortable under the blanket, almost lulled to sleep by the sweet songs playing and the sound of water running from the restroom. Just as his eyes shut, he felt something plop onto his chest. "Oof. Yoongi, love, you scared me."

"Wow," He laughed, "After being so grumpy at me for not holding you, you're surprised I'm here?"

"First of all. I'm holding you now, and second of all, I was seconds away from dreaming."

"Were you gonna dream about me?" This question was met with a palm to the face, shoving him away.

"You're really cheesy when you're tired, you know that."

"That is something I'm perfectly aware of," He quickly pecked his lover's lips. "It's just too weird to say those things in broad daylight." Jimin blushed.

"Shut up and kiss me again." He placed his hand behind the black-haired boy's head and pulled him closer, pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss. Nothing could describe the way either of them felt when they kissed. If they tried to put it into words, they would probably say it felt warm and comforting and that all was right with the world. But since they were too busy to speak, they expressed their emotions in other ways. Yoongi pulled away, gripping Jimin's shirt and blushing into his chest. "You're too cute, love."

"Shut up."

"Aaw, I love you too." Both boys laughed as the atmosphere quickly calmed down, making them feel fatigued again. Jimin looked down, barely awake, to see Yoongi snoring quietly. He leaned down and kissed his head's crown, then whispered in his ear.

"I love spending lazy nights with you."

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