Best Friends Forever

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Yato suddenly stood up from the bed and came over to Hiyori who was standing at her dresser. He turned her around and pinned her up against the wall. Hiyori blushed as she smelled him; he always smelled very nice to her. Both of their hear beats increased as they realized how close they were to each other.

Yato moved his lips right up next to Hiyori's ear and said in a husky voice, "Now, I'm only going to ask you one thing Hiyori."

She breathed, "What?"

"Did you take my lemon?"

"No! I would never. I know how much that lemon means to you!"

He unpinned her from the wall and backed up very fast so that they weren't so close. The close interrogation technique that Kazuma had told him about didn't feel comfortable or necessary.

"I only ask because I haven't seen Mr. Yellow in a long time!" He pouted. Hiyori ran over to him and started to rub his back soothingly as he allowed the tears to flow.

"Oh, don't worry! I'm sure we'll find Mr. Yellow! Where did you leave him last?"

"Well I- I'm pretty sure I left him in Tenjin-sama's temple," he said through sobs.

"Have you gone to look back at the temple?" She tried.

"I have, but Mr. Yellow wasn't there!"

She sighed, about to give up on Yato when she had an idea. She'll just dump him on Yukine.

"Hey, Yato!" She beamed.

He looked up with tears still flowing down his face (in a comical way). "What?" He whined.

"Have you asked Yukine where he thinks Mr. Yellow might be?"

"Yeeeeeeeessss!" He continued to sob. As soon as he looked back down Hiyori dropped her pleasant smile and put on an annoyed face. Yato acted like a freaking three year old sometimes.

"Will you help me look for Mr. Yellow?" Yato pleaded as he got down on the ground and bowed.

Hiyori pursed her lips before giving into his begging. "Okay, fine!"

Yato latched onto her leg. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He continues to repeat over a million times.

She sighs and puts her head down in shame. "Whatever."


"Really, Hiyori?" Yukine whines. "You couldn't handle him for another like five minutes?"

Yato in the background rubbed his shiny, and as yellow as ever Mr. Yellow the Lemon. He was probably whispering sweet nothings into its imaginary ears as well, but Hiyori was doing her best to ignore that and focus on the fact that Yato was happy.

"What do you mean? Didn't you say you found Mr. Yellow and you were looking for Yato in the first place?"

"Oh my gosh," he said quickly and sighed. "I'm gonna tell you something, just don't tell Yato 'cause I'll surely get punished but," he pauses to check left and right for eavesdroppers and continues, "I took his Mr. Yellow in the first place."

Hiyori puts her hands on her hips and says in confusion, "What? Why?"

"I wanted him to go off and leave me alone for at least a few minutes! Then, you guys come back and I'm forced to give it to him."

"Oh, well I'm sorry Yukine," she apologized guiltily. She had planned to just dump Yato on him in the first place.

Yukine puts his hand on her shoulder as he says, "Hey, don't worry about it! You were just doing what you thought was right."

Best Friends Forever [Noragami One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now