Bloody cave part two

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And when 4 turned around...he saw...Mario with a mask from the Mario live action movie

"OoooOoooOooo very scary!!"

"Goddammit Mario!! Concentrate we need to find peach!!" Smg4 yelled at Mario

"Awww but do we have to?? D;" Mario frowned and took off the mask


"Yes boss!!" Mario waddled away as 4 let out an annoyed groan

4 grabbed his flashlight and went deeper into the cave...but something was wrong...the further he went the redder the cave got..and a mysterious red liquid dropped from the ceiling

"Ew!! Gross!!...What the hell?.."

4 shined his flashlight up as his eyes widened...he saw Peach tied up in a cocoon of God knows what...and 3 next to her

"OI!! IDIOT!! HELP ME DOWN HERE!!" 3 yelled as he struggled to break free

"...Nah I think ima let you dangle up there." 4 teased with a grin as he pulled peach down

"DONT YOU DARE 4!!" 3 yelled

"Mmh I're kind of a jerk to me..."

"Fine!! Fine!! I'm sorry okay!? You're an amazing person and I love you no homo(probably) please get me down from here before that THING comes back and eats me!!" 3 cried out

"Now that's what I like to hear!"

4 pulled 3 out of the cocoon as he landed ontop of him

They both blushed as they stared at eachother for a good while until 3 rolled off of him

"Let's just get out of here!!" 3 groaned

" you hear that?..." 4 turned around as his eyes widened

A spider looking monster roared at the both of them

"AHH!! IM SCARED OF SPIDERS!!" 3 yelled as he ran

"WAIT FOR ME!!" 4 picked up peach and ran after 3


"Guys? What's going o- HOLY SHIT!" Meggy screamed and ran along with the two

...while Mario was eating god knows what off the ground

"MARIO COME ON WE GOTTA GO!!" Smg4 pulled Mario along

"HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE!?' Meggy yelled

3 suddenly got an idea and pulled out bombs

"ARE YOU NUTS!?" 4 yelled

"No because unlike you I don't suck them!!(gay joke)" 3 threw down the bombs as all four of them were sent flying out of the cave like team rocket

All of them landed ontop of some bushes...except for Mario who landed on the ground

"We're alive.. WE'RE ALIVE!!" Smg4 hugged Smg3 but soon realized and blushed, slapping him instead


"For saying I suck nuts asshole!!"

"it's just facts!!"

"Nuh uh!!"

"Let's just go home..."

4 dragged Mario and Peach along. Smg3 shrugged and followed behind with meggy

That's it. Adios. ;)

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