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It took me minutes to come up with a plan—a plan that was hardly one at all.

My heart pounded mercilessly against my chest as I made my way downstairs, my phone clutched tightly in my hand. I heard movement in the kitchen, so I headed in that direction, finding Ezra and Jude there.

Jude spotted me first from where he sat on one of the chairs around the island counter. Ezra followed his gaze a moment later.

"Hey," Jude spoke first, raising his eyebrows. "Hungry, after all?"

I shook my head. "No," I murmured and swallowed hard, finding Ezra's gaze as he leaned against the counter. "I'm meeting Sage for a walk," I told him, grateful that my voice remained even. "I'll be back in half an hour."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Now?"

I nodded.

Ezra's jaw clenched. "Aspen, it's getting dark out. It's not safe."

"I have my phone," I argued. "Please. We never got to hang out after the game."

Ezra hesitated, the conflict clear in his dark gaze. After a moment, he relented with a sigh. "Fine. Be back before nine, okay?"

Forcing a smile, I started to turn around, catching Jude's wary gaze as I spun. Quickly looking away, I left the room.

My pace was hurried as I used my phone to navigate the way. The streets were mostly silent as I walked, the occasional car driving by every few minutes. Sooner than I expected I would, I spotted the park in the distance—noticing how it was mostly empty aside from a car parked on the road beside it.

The headlights flashed off as I approached and my footsteps faltered as the door opened. When I saw Kieran's familiar figure step out of the driver's seat, I relaxed and continued moving towards him.

"Get in," he gestured to the passenger side as I neared. Without a word, I complied, shutting the door behind me.

I looked over at him. "Hi."

Kieran turned the car on, setting the temperature to an appropriate setting before he glanced over at me. His dark green eyes glimmered, a soft smile settling on his face. "Hi," he murmured, his gaze running over my face. "How did you manage to get out so late?"

I played with the hem of my sweater. "I told Ezra I was going for a walk with Sage," I said.

Kieran nodded, his eyes never leaving my face. Surprisingly, despite the small, quiet space between us, I didn't feel uncomfortable under the weight of his stare.

"How are you feeling?" He asked quietly.

My throat closed up as I glanced away, turning my attention out the window. "I'm fine now," I mumbled, flushing as I thought about my breakdown. "I don't know what happened earlier. I think I was just overwhelmed and— "

"You have every right to be," Kieran spoke gently. "Don't just try to dismiss it."

I stayed silent.

He exhaled slowly. "Aspen, I've been doing some research," he began. My head snapped towards him. "On your condition. I've been wanting to find ways to help you. To understand this and what can be done to undo it."

"And?" I gulped. "What did you find?"

Kieran's gaze was intense as he kept it locked on me. "I found exactly what you've been feeling," he replied.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"Something's off," his voice lowered and I froze. He redirected his attention forward, peering out the windshield towards the dark road ahead. "The amnesia—it doesn't make sense."

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