Chapter 9.

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  **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"So that's Uroboros, I fear for the world if that ever gets out." Sheva sighs as she reloads her gun. "God dammit Wesker! He's actually serious about destroying the entire planet!" Chris groans in anger, i placed my hand on his arm to calm him down. "We won't let him, we will put a stop to this." I said as I looked up at him, he looks at me and nods with a small smile. "We will. Let's head back"

We walked back to the control room but Chris walked towards a monitor. "Shit..." he whispers, me and Sheva walked towards him to see what was on the monitor. "An assault bomber! When Jill said Wesker was planning to spread Uroboros throughout the world...he was planning to use this to spread it." Sheva says and the monitor changes. "There he is. Come on, let's go!" Chris quickly says and my phone rang, I look down and saw it was Jill calling. "Its Jill!" I told them and they gathered around me as I answered.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she softly smiles. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. Listen carefully to what I'm going to say, Wesker's superhuman comes from a virus. But the virus is unstable. In order to maintain a balance he must inject himself regularly with a serum." Jill says, "So, if we cut the supply of serum he loses his strength." Sheva asks, "Affirmative. But he just took a dose so it's gonna be a while before he needs another one. Listen, Excella said that the amount administered has to be precise. So if he injects to much it should act like a poison. I think she used a serum labeled PG67A/W." "Wait..." i said as i hand the phone to Chris, he takes it and I take out the tube from my pocket. "I'm gonna try to find a way to escape, you need to find that serum. Excella always kept it with her in an attached ca—" Jill voice cut off. "Jill? Come in, Jill!" Chris says but the call ends.

"I have the serum." I said as I show them, "Let's give it a shot." Chris says as he hands me back my phone. I put it in my pocket with the serum. We walked around the control room and entered an elevator. "I hope Jill is safe.." I mumbled, "She is, she looks like she's been in good hands." Sheva says with a small smile and I nod. "I hope this goes smoothly." I sighed and the elevator doors open.

Warning! Fire detected in the engine room! Warning! Sealing off area with primary bulkhead! Evacuate the area immediately! Warning! Sealing off area with secondary bulkhead! Evacuee the area immediately!

"Spoke too soon." Chris says as we saw enemies scattered around the engine room. "I'll just stay quiet from now on." I groaned and we killed the enemies in our way and one by one we opened the bulkhead.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"After all that disaster, I can just fall asleep." Sheva says as we had finally eliminated the threat and made it across the bulkheads. "No kidding." I said as I reloaded my gun. There was an electronic door with keypads on each side ahead of us. Chris and Sheva slide the keycards while I stood in front with my gun out just in case. The doors slid open and we cautiously enter, "I can't be the only one to sense that something doesn't feel right." Sheva says, "I hear you, don't let your guard down for a second." Chris order us, we kept walking to see Wesker with his back turned to us facing the assault bomber. We aimed our guns at him, "Your plans are finished, Wesker!" Chris yells.

"Don't you three ever tire of failing in your mission? You've really become quite an inconvenience for me." Wesker says as he throws his sunglasses at Chris which distracts him and runs to Sheva as he swiftly took away her gun, I was about to shoot him but kicks the gun out of my hands, he grabs my hands and pushes me and Sheva to bump into eachother which causes us to fall down. Chris lunges at him but Wesker kicks him into the wall, grabs his sunglasses and puts it back on. I held my head and Sheva helps me back up, we saw Chris run to Wesker and manages to tackle him but Wesker was to fast and got out of his hold. Sheva grabbed her gun and started to shoot at him, i saw him run towards Sheva. I pushed her out of the way, I grabbed my knife from my pouch and was about to swing at him but he hits it out of my hand and puts me in a chokehold.

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