Stressed out (pt 2 later?)

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❗️just a heads up I start online classes for school next week ❗️, also this chapter is gonna be a comfort type since my mental health has declined the past few days, but I hope you guys like this

*time skip a few months, as time has gone by Max & Billy have continued to grow closer, realizing they've got more in common than they thought. It's near the end of the school year, right before final exams begin and both Max and Billy are overwhelmed with schoolwork, plus Neil & Susan have very high expectations and are putting a lot of pressure on them to pass their finals or there will be consequences. One day Susan comes into his room while he's listening to music and asks him to tell Max to get ready since all 4 of them are going out to eat for dinner that night, and he agrees and goes to check on her, since lately she's been in her room a lot more than usual and it's been concerning him*

*he goes and peeks in her room, seeing all her homework, notebooks, and papers all over her desk and he realizes she must've fallen asleep at one point while studying since she has her head laid down. He knows how hard she works to make her mom proud but he's worried about how late she's been staying up studying lately, but he remembers what Susan asked him to do and he quietly goes into her room, crouching down a bit. He doesn't want to wake her because he knows she's exhausting from school but he has to do what her mom asked*

Billy: "Hey Max... wake up, we gotta get ready to leave soon" *he speaks in a gentle tone but also loud enough so she hears him and shakes her shoulder to wake her*

*Max hears his voice, feels him shaking her and opens her eyes a bit, lifting up her head and sitting up in her chair*
Max: "what's up? Is everything ok?" *asks him, half awake and rubbing her eyes*

Billy: "Yeah everything's okay, but we need to get ready to leave in a bit"

Max: "Leave? Where are we going?"

Billy: "We're going out to dinner tonight, remember?"

Max: "oh yeah I forgot that was tonight, ok but when we get back home I'm gonna keep studying"

Billy: "Actually I think you should get some sleep tonight when we come back, you've been staying up really late these past few weeks and I've been worried about you. I know you don't like to, but I'm here if you want talk about anything"

Max: "I'll start getting ready for dinner but I'll rest once these damn exams and tests are done, until then I need to keep studying"

Billy: "I'll let you get ready but I'm very serious, get some sleep tonight when we get back, you need it" *he tells her before getting up and leaving her room to let her get ready, he goes to his room, changing into his red button down shirt and spraying some cologne*

*max gets changed into a clean shirt, jeans, her red adidas jacket and her vans since she hates dresses, brushes out her hair and goes downstairs, seeing her mom, Neil and Billy ready to go and they all get in the car and go to dinner*

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