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I know Its late but i have school in about 1 hour so I'm writing a hc quick. Also ik i havent posted long but dw I'm still here even tho I'm excited for school yayeyey

Where did yall meet?

U met him when u were with Billy and he thought u looked adorable so when barnaby dropped billie he grabbed u and petted ur head (b cuz u deserve better >:(

What do they like about them?

He rlly loves the way u look at will forever will! As u are married to him >:3 he loves scaring u or cuddling with u some times :D

What do they do in their free time?

They mess around like grabbing u and throwing u on the bed then hide u with his wings then cuddle with u! He also adores how u can (f/h - favourite hobbie) it makes him amused. U both also sing together but one time ur voice cracked and he couldnt take it anymore and hooted (laughed) :3

Big spoon or small spoon?

He has big purrs when it comes to petting >:) also u hug them. THEY GIVE ULTIMATE SAVAGE HUGHGGGG!

What is it like sleeping with  them?

He covers u with his wings and he falls asleep too quickly and u fall asleep after 10 seconds. He keeps u safe and will forever! XP when u have nightmares he will hold u close and comfort u that theres no need to worry and after  u fall asleep he will kiss ur forehead and rest his head on urs for affection:3

When u get hurt by someone or not

if u got hurt he would be so worried and get the medkit. After hes done bandagin u up he will carry u and wont stop leaving u alone even if u were asleep he would be asking are u okay? Or I'm not letting u go anywhere! But if someone hurted u... OH they will be fucked. Because he knows were they are and he will torture them for fun then he will hug u saying everything is okay even tho he has blood all over on him.

What is it like washing them?

Everytime u wash the owl he would be laying down and wont move. One time he wanted u with him but u said u couldn't which made him sad. But u cuddled him after and fell asleep. When u wash him he will purr if u touch his head. Because sometimes u touch it and it makes him turn into a big purring ball. Which makes u blush and die.

What are they like when u kiss them or they kiss u?

If u kiss him he will blush and will ask for more. He will also lead u with kisses. Even on the lips- but he is very shy if u kiss him on the lips. He will be shocked and will break. He will also go crazy and purr. But when he kisses u will be very happy and purr. U sometimes peck him all over with kisses and he will fall for u. When he kisses u on the lips u will go crazy and cover ur face and scream into a pillow and he will be hooting.

When did u do something funny?

This was when billie was doing one of ur dances and u say hey that's me dance and u tried doing better but u trip and a knife almost hitted u and u said UGH how  dar u try stab me u! I say and barnaby hooted alot and billie was shocked. Luckily nobody was hurt. Except for the ant that got crushed by the knife :_) RIP

I had fun doin these headcannons but now I need my sleep. Gn yall or have a nice day. Hope you all are doing well :) bye SonicphobiaOfficial I swear to god. I REMEMBER READING THAT ONESHOT BATNABY STORY AND DAMN EVERYTIME EMMA IS THERE *DIES* anyways word count is  675 words :)

Barnaby X reader [Billie bust up] ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now