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He needed to get out of here. He knew it. But how? There were too many humans, he couldn't clearly see an exit. The way he came in wasn't an option, that was on the other side of the house. Between him and the door was what felt like hundreds of beings. There was no real way to weeve through this crowd without getting crushed, trampled on, or even worse. After all, he was only a few centremeters tall.

Instead, he'd opted for hopping through a small hole in a nearbye wall, and making his way to the closest exit. The back door wasn't too far away, an easy trip for a small rat like himself, but he had spotted a weird flying British creature watching him from a support half way up the wall. Shaking off the curiosity and slight fears, he had realised he was at the small hole in the skirting board.

He'd made quick work to chew through the door and finally escape to the outside. With the mission to find a less crowded building to forcefully move into, he'd scurried away into the night.


Stepping foot in the overgrowth of a garden, he’d found himself staring at the tall wall blocking his way into the forest. Looking around for a moment or two, he’d found a metal ‘rod’ he had found laying on the ground. Inspecting the metal piece further, he was able to deduct what it was. He’d vaguely remembered over hearing the humans in his old home talking about it in their shed. It was a screw. Not of much use alone, but he’d kept it on him. Just in case it was of use later on.

Carefully venturing closer the the fence, he was able to catch a climpse of something moving in his peripheral vision. This caused him to pick up his pace, wanting to get away from the dangers of outside as fast as possible. He’d turned to the right side of the fence, spotting a rat sized hole in it a split second before a rustling sound was heard behind him. Jumping slightly, he started to run towards the exit, hearing quick steps chasing him. Too scared to look back, he kept his head forward and just ran. A swipe was felt against his tail, making him jump up, running somehow faster than before.

Just barely escaping the cat, he was able to slyly slip through the small hole in the fence. His heartbeat was way too fast to be able to continue without collapsing, so he let himself calm down under a nearby tree. Once finally calm enough to continue, he saw the sun rising in the distance, sighing as he didn’t have to deal with the scary creatures of the night, anymore. He then set off to an unknown location, that was what felt like years away from his location.


He’d made it. A giant building, bigger than anything he’d seen in his entire life time was staring back at him. It towered over the hundreds of crops infront of himself. He needed to find a way in. It was way too hot outside that day to stay in the open, and there was a human who looked very dangerous in said feild. Jumping down from the wall, he made quick work of finding a way in, which happened to be an opened window on the first floor. It was even bigger than he’d ever imagined, and the inside really showed it.

Hsaw something run across the floor, getting scared and hiding under a sofa. He was very careful and quiet, knowing one wrong breath could be his death, or at least his capture.

As he listened out for anymore noises, all he heard were the foot steps walking away. It was more "scurrying", but he wasn't focussing on it anymore, as he was more focused on the room. The open window he came in from before was a lot bigger than he thought, but seemed small next to the giant grand piano he was stood across from.

Intrigued, he climbed up onto the top of the piano, sliding onto the keys. Sadly, the keys made no sound, but he tried againon a different spot. Upon finding the piano was broken, his first instinct was to find a way in and try to fix it.

Finding an opening in the side of the piano, he climbed in. As he was about to try and get to the problem, he found something that surprised him more.

Paw hovering over the screw in his pocket, he cautiously stepped closer. " Is it... alive...?"

Suddenly, they woke up, a little dazed,  waking uo a little more apon seeing him. "Where even are we, right now??"

"Hello..?" He said, almost instinctively.  Getting slightly startled at the same moment, he backed up and pulled his arm away, nipping his paw slightly on a sharp bit of the metal. "Are you the reason I'm stuck in here? I had a little rat nap, I woke up and I'm in this place!"

"Agh- No! I- I just crawled in here to fix this cause I was having a little plicky plonk on the keys and it wasn't wor-" "What is this? Is this some kind of rat coffin?? Where am I?!" He got interuppted. This rat... "No, of course not! We're in a piano!" They looked a little confused, but just went along with it, giving up on trying to understand. "Ohh a piano! Ok.."

He didn't even know the rat's name, and they were already getting on his nerves. He kept making weird electronic sounds and talking about being a dj.  "Please tell me you know how to play three blind mice!" He wasn't exactly sure about the reference, but also knew the piano was broken and he wouldn't have to. "I guess I could...! Lets uh.. give it a go"

After trying to play the piano and it ultimately doing nothing, he took a second to recollect himself before speaking again. "Oh yeah, by the way, I'm... Owen."

1015 Words.

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