ꗃProject Green Bird੭

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It honestly shocked me when i got called down to a meeting room becuase that's the spot all the important people go when they get missions

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It honestly shocked me when i got called down to a meeting room becuase that's the spot all the important people go when they get missions.

I slowly open the door and see the tabel surrounded by men in black and white suits.

"Welcome" The man facing the door said. It was just then all the heads turned towards me.

"You can't be serious" Someone whispered under his breath.

"A woman for our biggest project?" Another whispered to his buddy next to him

"Boss, this is a joke right?" A man questioned outloud.

"No" The man at the end of the table stated.

There's nowhere for me to sit so I stand

"Can my sister at least get a chair, if your going to drag her into this?" My brothers voice rings out.

I didn't see him at first but he's sitting right beside the boss.

"Oh yeah uh...Garcia, you wanted a break yeah? Go run and get us all coffee, Y/n what do you want? what's a girly drink?" The boss asks's

"Oh uhm.." I start

"Get her something with whipped cream" My brother mutters for me.

"Yeah uh Garcia get us coffe and get her one of those Frapa- Uh"

"Frappuccino?" Garcia Questions

"Yeah one of those Frappuccino thingys" The boss says

The man gets up and pulls his seat out for me.

"Thank you" I state.

I open my mouth to speak but my brother sits up in his seat and starts talking

"So whats's this about, why is she here/" he asks

"Y/n, we want you to go on the island and pose as an Islander." The Boss stated

But once again, before I could speak, my brother spoke up.

"What!? She can't go out there!" He shouts.

"Well, sure, she can. In fact, this is the first mission we are trusting a woman with." The man at the end of the table states.

My brother pauses for a second. He knows how much this will mean to me. Not just me, the women of the federation who are disregarded just because of their gender.

I hear the door open and close, but I don't look to see who it is, maybe garcia came back to get everyone else's orders?

"Choose a different woman." My brother states.

"Any other woman would run from the responsibility. At least this one has guts. She's reliable." The man states.

"No way. Isn't she also supposed to work as the bodyguard she can't do both can She?" My brother questions

"You're right. She'll probably crumble under the pressure, Project Green Bird is off the table." The man states.

Just then, another speaks up.

"I think you, just like the majority of the federation, underestimate women." A soft toned voice states I turn around

"Walter Bob, how's you get outta your shackles?" The man at the end of the table questions

He looks toward my brother, needlessly taunting him.

"I have my ways," he then clears his throat. "Like I was saying... Women are underestimated and even spoken for..." Walter Bob states

"Spoken for?" The men ask

"The entire time I've been here, Y/n said no word about her own fate," Walter Bob states. 

Suddenly, heads turn towards me waiting for an answer

"I want to do it," I state

"No, you don't, Manita," My brother says playfully 

"Yes, I do, I want to go on the island and talk to them," I state.

"Then it's settled. Blackbird is in for Project Green Bird. " The boss states, causing the people at the table to cheer.

"Why don't you tell her all about project Green Bird?" My brother asked

"Later... The company is going to celebrate this victory."

So that's what the company did. The lounge was filled with drunk males who all knew about the project. I was the only woman in there

Walter Bob kept me company though. Normally he'd be in his cell but because he 'Persuaded' me, he was aloud to celebrate aswell.

My brother was laughing heavily, playing some card game with a few work friends. Meanwhile, me and Walter Bob were across the room, making fun of all tge drunk guys, guessing how many drink's they've had 

It was then, that Walter Bob pointed out Vega, he had manged to injure himself becuase he had brusises all over his arms and his face.

"Seven for him" He muttered

"Only Seven? He seems completley out of it" I mutter/

The man turned toward me.

"What are you looking at?" He shouted

"Nothing" I mutter

"You stupid woman! What? Do you think you're better than me Bitch?" Vega Drunkenly shouts.  He wobbles in my direction. My brother looks at us from his spot.

"You think you're the federations savior, but you just stay behind your brothers back because you're just a woman.. a stupid woman, " He says drawing nearer. It was then that my brother stood up

"Vega how about another round of drinks huh?" My brother suggested

"What? You scared your little sis gonna get hurt?" Vega asked walking up in my face. His breath reeked of Alcohol. The strong, disgusting tingy smell stung my nose.

Vega was pulled back from me, by his shoulder. Then my brother punched him in his face. Infront of everyone. For me.

That's what everyone saw and, that's what theyre going to tease me for.

That's what everyone saw and, that's what theyre going to tease me for

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