Chapter 1

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I turn the lights on and run to the back to turn on the music. "Another day in paradise" I mumble to myself as I continue to prep for the morning rush. I do a quick walk around to make sure everything is in place before heading to the bathrooms to do a thorough cleaning.

I nod my head to the tune of the music playing as I make my way around and towards the men's bathroom. I get in there and sigh. "You give these people one damn job and they can't even do it right." I grab the vacuum and start cleaning keeping an eye on the clock.... 4:45 am. I should probably finish up. I quickly vacuumed all the dirt and toilet paper before bringing the vacuum back to the closet up front and heading to the front desk to grab the lock pick. "I've got more minutes of peace and quiet." I set the pick down and put on my name tag. "Let's make today count." I look up at the clock and it's time to unlock the doors 5 o'clock sharp, I walk around to the glass doors painting a smile on my face as I unlock the first set of doors leading me into a vestibule of windows and the last set of doors unlocking them and stepping out into the cold air nodding my hellos to the patrons waiting.

"Good Morning Sang." One says as he passes by me and heads inside, I hear the beep from his barcode scanning in

"Morning thank you." Another says

"Thanks, sunshine," David says, one of the many regulars who love to make fun of my upbeat early-morning attitude.

"Hi Mr. David, How are you?" I ask holding the door for him as he walks by.

"Just another beautiful Monday morning Ms. Sang." His answer was full of Sarcasm and I can't help but let a genuine smile show.

"I hear ya there," I shout after him watching him check in and walk away I continue my nods and good mornings to the people coming in getting responses and questions as they come in before I finally decided I was done holding the door and walked back in. I make my way around to the front desk and log into the computer to do the daily reports I missed over the weekend.

How rude of me to not introduce myself my name is Sang Sorenson and I am the General Manager at a popular gym in South Carolina called Planet Fitness. Today is Monday and currently 5:05 am in the morning. Just another normal day here in South Carolina, I spend most of my time here at the club making sure everything is in tip-top shape for our members. Any day where nothing happens and everyone is nice is slim but we still hope for those days. I started working here about a year ago and ranked up pretty fast as you can see, I love this place-- my thoughts were interrupted by a gentleman coming up letting me know he spilled a bottle of solution.

Aaaaaaand so the day begins. I go grab a mop and bucket and clean up the mess not forgetting to put down a wet floor sign before walking away. when I finally got back up front the desk was clear so I decided to do some tidying up around the front.

stalking the freezer cleaning the lobby and the desk vacuuming wiping down tables and chairs.

You are probably wondering how I get all this done and see the people up at the front. that would be thanks to these annoying handy dandy walkies I leave up front with a sign and keep one on me at all times so if someone needs me and I'm not upfront they can call for me to come and I do.

*skrssskkkrrrrr* speaking of. I don't know what they said but I know it means help nonetheless

*coming* I call back I start taking off my cleaning gloves before brushing off my Black Polo and black jeans. I walk up not making eye contact before asking what I can do to help them.

"I'm just curious about joining--" I space out trying to straighten out the computers in front of me. Then Someone scans in which grabs my attention.

"Told you it can be done online." A guy wearing all black and holding a motorcycle helmet says. "She's obviously too busy to speak with us. that statement got on my nerves but I bite my tongue.

"yes if you are looking to join in can be done online. We usually just ask people to do it this way because we use our phones to check in anyway." My eyes never waiver from the Dark brown ones attached to the tall grumpy guy as if he challenging me to break the eye contact first.

"I'm gonna need to take your picture and have you sign a few things." He grumbles but breaks the eye contact moving over to wear I held the camera. I count down and take the picture noticing he is watching me in the picture, I laugh to myself. This guy is going to get on my nerves.

"What's your name?"

"You have it right there. Why do I need to tell you." I take a deep breath remembering I am working. "North Taylor." He says allowing a small smile to play on his lips. which I return and I feel my face get a little red.

"What brings you all to the gym you don't really seem like you need to be here. Think you guys a good without." I ask waiting as the others tap away at their phone

A guy with blonde long hair and striking brown playful eyes steps up waving his phone with a smile. "I'm next slow pokes."

"It's not a race Mr. Taylor," someone in the back says with a firm strong tone.

"brothers?" He nods, Yes we are crazy I know we look and act nothing alike.

"Lucian Taylor Luke for short." he looks like a model and he's just as hard to look away from as his brother. Not to mention his friends.. by this time it's 7 so my help has arrived. Jalen.

"What's up boss lady?" he walks up behind me and looks over my shoulder. I move over a bit to create distance (he's harmless)

"Can you help get these boys signed in so they can be good the next time they come in?"

"You got it," he says before pointing to the boys. "Who's next?" no one moves at first then I heard an OUCH and someone is pushed forward with piercing blue eyes an orange muscle shirt on, and brown hair slicked back by a headband. We locked eyes and he gave me a sheepish look before mumbling under his breath.

"Gabriel Colelman."

"Alright just look right here."

"Sang! there is a gentleman on the phone asking for you." our fitness trainer lets me know and i nod before backing away

"Sorry guys I need to answer that Jalen will help finish you guys off and you'll be good to work out." I give a little wave and move to the last phone at the end of the front desk. I watch as Jalen gets them all checked in and watch as they all walk away towards the lock rooms. My eyes just gravitate to them and then they meet one gentleman with glasses and scrubs he winks at me making my head jult back and I look around.

The boys stay there for hours between running and strength exercises


When they finally leave and we say our goodbyes to them the blonde one tries to grab stuff from our candy bowl but his brother snatches it and throws it away.

"What was up with that big group coming in first thing in the morning," Jalen asks watching them leave

"I have no idea..." I stare after them the sun not even up yet. It was strange to have such young people coming in at this time. Outside the double doors, they all talk nodding their heads before two of them race to a vehicle tackling each other on the way trying to get in front. I smile to myself at their antics while the other boys just walk calmly to different cars parked in the parking lot.

"Sang you done drooling over those boys?" Jalen asks laughing at me, I say nothing just shake my head and go back to the manager's computer to start doing payroll.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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