Chapter Seventeen

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-Y/n's POV: Time Skip, Friday After School-

Tonight is the big night- it was both the homecoming game and the dance

Kenny and I still haven't broken that barrier between friends and more than that

I slept at his house a few days ago but he slept on the floor- which even Tweek was surprised to hear

I just feel like he's sending so many mixed signals

First he doesn't let Stan take me to the dance but then he doesn't even sleep in the same bed as me

"Alright girls line up!" my couch yelled, breaking me out of my thoughts

"Tonight is the most important game of the season- everyone is here so don't embarrass me or yourselves" she said "now let's go"

We walked in a line up to the football field, it was about 2:30pm so the game started in about 30 minutes

"Why don't you girls continue to stretch out while I go talk to the other coaches" she said

I sat down beside Heidi and Red and began to stretch

Red and I have actually become pretty good friends at this point even though Wendy and Bebe obviously don't approve

"Ready for tonight?" Heidi asked us

"Yes!" Red smirked "the best game of the year, the dance and then an after party"

I just nodded, the nerves were starting to eat me alive

"You'll get to see the boys doing what they do best" Heidi said, nudging my arm "including Mccormick"

"What number is Kenny anyways" I asked

"13" Red said "can I just add that I think you're way too good for him"

"I've heard that before" I laughed

"Stan is 4, he's hard to miss being the quarterback" she said "and Kyle is 12"

"Awesome thanks Heidi" I said trying to find them during warmups- like Heidi said Stan was pretty easy to spot

"Are you guys going to the dance with anyone?" I asked the girls

"I wish" Heidi said

"Well I'm going with Kevin Stoley" Red said "he finally got the balls to ask me out"

"Congrats" I said "obviously I'm going with Kenny- although Stan did try to ask me"

"Can you blame him? You're hot" Heidi said

"Yeah but I don't like him- I wish Wendy could see that" I said

"Don't take it personally- she's just jealous, her man literally left her for you, so you can't expect to be her favorite person" Red said

"Yeah well she doesn't need to hate me" I sighed

"Well you've got us" Heidi said grabbing my hand "now let's go kick some ass"

-Time Skip, Halftime-

"Alright girls- let's go show them what we got!" coach yelled as we ran to our starting positions

The game was tied, 13-13 and it was halftime 

I looked into the crowd and took a deep breath-


We nailed our performance and the crowd was applauding, I finally felt my nerves slip away

I scanned the football bleachers and saw Kenny, Kyle and Stan clapping and giving me a thumbs up

I blew them a kiss which they all pretended to catch

I followed the team back to our spot on the sidelines and continued to cheer on our boys

I've got to admit- Southpark was pretty good for a small town

Kenny had some serious skill, and with a killer quarterback like Stan they make it look too easy

I kind of wish that my brother hadn't quit- I would love to be cheering him on as well


It was the last 2 minutes 

The last half has been total back and forth- they score we score

Although right now it was our team that was on offense, we had the upper-hand 

Everyone was screaming and shouting for the boys to pull through but the other team's defense wouldn't let up

It was the 4rd down, typically they would kick it at this point but clearly this was a win or lose situation 

I could feel my heart sink as the boys got in formation, in what appeared to be a strong left, favoring Kenny's dominate side

I could hardly breathe, as the football was hiked and the boys starting running

Stan through the ball to Kenny as he sprinted by himself- he was by himself!

Kenny caught the ball with ease and continued down the field- not a man in sight

"WHAT A PLAY!" the announcer yelled "McCormick all alone- rookie mistake from the opposing team- and with 20 seconds left" 

"They won" I mumbled 

"Of course they won" Heidi beamed "now let's cheer them on"

As we started to cheer, we were silenced by the fans who began screaming "WARM THE BUSES" 

I giggled as our coach rolled her eyes- clearly not entertained by their childish chants but she waved us off to go stand at the field's exit so we could create some sort of tunnel for the boys

As we walked over and got in line, the buzzer went off, officially deeming Southpark victorious

The other team grabbed their stuff and slugged off the field, rolling their eyes at us as they walked through our tunnel 

"See you again next time!" Wendy smirked, earning a snarl from one of the biggest guys on the other team 

"Wendy stop" Red said, not having any of her bullshit

Finally our boys came running off the field- Stan, Kenny and Kyle rushed over to me and gave me a hug before continuing down the tunnel 

"Slut" Bebe mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear

I just ignored her- obviously she was jealous that I actually had friends unlike her who just kissed Wendy's ass for validation 

Not to mention her supposed to be 'boyfriend' Clyde literally throws himself at myself and other girls any chance he gets, super pathetic 

"Wanna come get ready for the dance at my place?" Heidi asked

"Yes" I smiled, "can we just go grab some stuff from my house first?"

"Of course- now let's get out of here" she said, lightly grabbing my arm

A/n: That's a wrap for Chapter 17! Continuing this story, the pace is just slow and I'm sorry! I hope you guys enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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