The Practical Exam Level 1

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Next Morning

Neon wakes up after listening to bird's chirping. To his surprise, he found Jessica sitting next to his bed.

"Good morning, Neon", She said, smiling.

" Yeah- Good morning ", he said while trying to gather his thoughts.

But he suddenly remembered what happened last night and blushed. But Jessica was confused. Has he gotten even mad from last night?

As they moved ahead, they were intercepted by two guys who were really over friendly with them.

" Why the heck yall stepped in front of me? ", asked Neon.

" Cause you betrayed us! ", said Avi while glaring at Neon.

"Me? , How? ", asked Neon in a confused state.

Suddenly Avi grabbed Neon and took him into a corner so that only two of them can hear what they are saying.

" You bastard! How dare you got a girlfriend when your beloved friends like us are still single? And also!! Care to explain how you started wasting your time to date a girl while we are getting our asses worked up by preparing for Upcoming practical exam? ", Avi asked Neon while looking him with the sharpest gaze. He could really kill a person with his fearsome glare.

" Look, I understand whatever your concerns are but I am tell you this.. THAT THIS GIRL IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND, BUT ACTUALLY A TOY FRIEND! ", Neon shouted at him without holding back.

" Wait... Does that mean.... (Pointing towards Jessica) ... She is your prototype? ".

" Yes", Neon told him after holding Jessica's hand.

"Go on and introduce yourself Jess", Said Neon with a bright smile.

" Hello. Im Jessica , its very nice to meet you. As you have heard, he (pointing at Neon) is my maker. ", Jessica said while bowing her head down.

Damn she is cute... In front of her I can't even get angry at Neon, Avi thought.
"Well Neon, have you not concerned about the fact that the examiners and Guild members can give you a BIG ZERO if your prototype failed to achieve Diserable results? ", Asked Shlok cautiously.

" Tbh, I created Jessica by accident... (Scratching his head) , I fell asleep while writing her core code and all sums up which resulted in creation of her. ", joked Neon.

This guy is really messed up big time huh.... (Looking at Jessica) .. I hope there isn't situation where she had to be dismantled , otherwise this will put Neon in 'slave' rank, both Avi and Shlok had the same thing in their mind.

" Perhaps we should go now, practical exam should be starting anytime soon. ", Neon said hurriedly.

The Great Hall Of ETIS, Delhi

It was a huge hall in the underground compound of the Institute , There were tables with people chairing them who, by the looks of them were the judges , Proctors and Guild Leaders.

The Students were murmuring with each other when suddenly Neon arrived with his two friends and Jessica.

"It sure is lively in here", said Neon who was still surprised by the beauty of this hall which he had never visited before even after entering the Academy.

" Hmm, Neon. What are we suppose to do here? ", Asked Jessica who was still confused about the whole thing.

" Don't worry about it, We just are here to give one of our exams so we jist have to follow the instructions. "

"I see... I have stored the information. ", Replied Jessica expressionlessly.

" Okay so lets depart", Said Neon in a nonchalant mood.

Neon took his ID along with his friends and submitted them to one of the proctors. The proctor was astonished to see the boy with red hair directly submitting his name for the first practical exams.

"Excuse me, Are you mixed blooded? ", Asked the proctor while typing something on the computer.

" Actually yeah... My dad was a foreigner and my mother is an Indian.., I was born and raised here.", Answered Neon shyly as he was not that good in answering the personal questions.

"Oh! Thats explains the colour of your hair. They are really so beautiful that can even make you popular with ladies!. ", Chucked the Proctor while teasing him.

Neon was now even more shy, as even in the middle school he used to get a lot of extra attention just cause his appearance is different, and thought his hair are beautiful, it also landed him in many problems where he used to get disciplinary notices on suspection of dying his hair!!

"I get that a lot, but thank you. "

The proctor handed him the papers and introduce herself as Rubina Sheikh, while wishing him good luck she also gave him a privilege of asking her for any help if required.

Neon thanked her once again and was all set to take the practical exam.

Jessica who was tired of waiting , sighed a relief when she saw her maker returning to her  with some papers as she was becoming really uncomfortable because of all the glances targeted at her due to her different looks. But Avi and Shlok told her to ignore those idiots as they weren't worth a damn attention.

"Yo guys! Waited long enough? ", Asked Neon while handing their respective papers to them.

" You seemed to be in a good mood. Did something happened while you were meeting with the Proctor? ", Questioned Avi as he find it rather strange that at a time like this his friend was rather being chill than being nervous.

" Nothing happened. Just made a new connection.", Chuckled Neon because it was a very thing for an introvert guy to make a new connection out of nowhere.

"I see, so Jessica wasn't enough for her so now you are targeting other older Ladies huh? Mr Ladies Man?, " Teased Avi as he was rather proud that his sheltered friend is making some progress in socialising.

Neon was about to say something when all the lights in the hall switched off and a big screen flashed on all four walls of the hall out of nowhere.

"Attention examines, This is the time and avenue where the practical exam of ETIS University begins!! Take a sparing partner from anywhere in the hall and eliminate the other one from this hall to pass to the next stage!"

This must be Kavya, thought Neon as he recognized this voice.

"And here is the best part.... You are even allowed to kill your partner if required to move to next level! "

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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