Number Two

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*Everyone has been added to the chat.

Henry: Hey guys

Emma: Hey kid!

Tinkerbelle: Hi everyone

Gold: Hello?

Ariel: Hey people

Hook: Hi, Lad

Belle: Hey

Regina: Hi everybody

David: Hey

Snow: Hey

Ursula: Hi? I guess

Gold: why am I here?

Henry: Because I added you

Tinkerbelle: what's everyone's favourite song?

Emma: Mine is Back to December by Taylor Swift

Henry: I love Shake it off by Taylor Swift

Gold: I hate both those songs and any kind of music

Snow: of course you do

Gold: I love magic though

Emma: we know you do

Regina : My fav song is Troublemaker by Olly Murs

Hook: I like Pirates life for me by Bucketheads

Snow: I like I wanna know what love is by Foreigner

Ursula: I hate music

David: I like listening to Wannabe by the spice girls.

Hook: A girl band? Seriously? HAAA

David: Shut your mouth!

Hook: Why? it's funny!

David: No it's not!

Hook: Is funny!

Snow: both of you calm down!

David: Fine, after I punch Captain Guyliner here in the face!

Emma: Dad!

Snow: Don't worry I've locked the door and hidden the key until he calms down

Emma: Thanks Mum!

Belle: what's everyone's favourite book and movie?

Belle: mine is the Hunger games book and series and movie series

Hook: I don't Read and I like watching The movie Hook

Emma: I Hate reading and I love the movie called the Thinning and also Divergent.

Hook: Babe, what's the Thinning?

Emma: It's a dystopian movie and Divergent is too

Tinkerbelle: What's dystopian?

David: Hook, Do not call my daughter babe!!!

Hook: why not she is my girlfriend and she calls me babe too

David: I DON'T CARE!!!!!

Snow: David calm down!

Emma: you know what let's end this chat here and dad don't shout at my boyfriend

*Everyone has left the group chat

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