Chapter 1: bakugo's POV

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"This is the last time I trust shitty hair" I grumbled to myself, he was supposed to be back after scouting for the kidnapped princess they we're supposed to be saving, my father (the leader of the most feared barbaric tribe in the west) told me, I  had to go save this young princess, just then I hear shitty hair screaming

"Bakugo! Run! Their coming! Run! Run! Run!" Just then he runs past me, I start grumbling and running behind him "what about the girl!" I shout angrily "she wasn't there!" Kirishima was running fast towards a cliff "what do you means he wasn't there?!" "I'll tell you back at camp, okay bakugo?" I watch him jump of the cliff, I jump off after him, I hear the people chasing us gasp, and then start screaming as I land on kirishima's big red back, he was now a dragon, on of the only useful things about him "take on hostage" I yelled while glaring and evil scary smirk I was known for "that one" I point at a small boy that looked scared and angry

Kirishima swoops down and picks him up and flies away "AAAHHHHH HELP! HELP! THEY'RE GOING TO EAT ME!" The boy sobs, "tch"

                                                                   A few minutes later

"Where is the princess? Why wasn't she at your camp?" I questioned the young boy angrily, "I-I don't know! She was there at night, and then in the morning as we all woke up she was gone and there were knocked out and beat up guards!" I think for a moment, I wasn't informed she was the type to do that, that went against every any princess was supposed to do "wait really? She beat up guards to escape?" Kirishima asked curiously "y-yeah! I promise that's all I know!" The scrawny little boy said "that's so manly! She sounds cool" kirishima said enthusiastically while holding up his fist

he stuck his hand out to the small boy "sorry about scaring you, we were just in a rush because we were being chased" the boy shakes his hand "it's fine, honestly you guys helped me out" the young boy gave a happy smile "and how was that you little shit!" I replied angrily that we couldn't just get the princess and go home, the boy jumps slightly, and rubs his head "oh, um well, I was kidnapped by them and they were forcing me to be their slave" "that's not manly! How old are you? You seem pretty young, what's your name?" Kirishima asks happily "oh! My name is minoru mineta, I'm actually 17, I'm just really short"

 I burst out laughing, kirishima looks at me with a glare, it wasn't intimidating at all, I glare back at him "what?! He's short and ugly, and he's a useless cry baby" kirishima looks flabbergasted "bro! That's not manly or nice!" "Shut the hell up shitty hair! Whatever your useless name is, get out of my camp before I blast you to pieces and use your skull as a decoration" the short little purple hairs man screams in fear and runs away

Kirishima looks at me with disappointment "dude, what are we going to eat now?" I pause and look at kirishima "what the hell you say?" Kirishima goes pale "oh shit, I need to go hunting before I start eating people" he says while laughing nervously and rubbing the back of his head "be back soon" "you better bring something back! And while your out start searching for the princess we are supposed to be saving" "got it" I watch kirishima fly away, I sigh and start making a fire

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