Chapter 9

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(Hollys p.o.v )

I woke up in a room with four white walls. Why am I in the hospital. The memories came flooding in. Why can't I be died? Why? I wanna be with my parents. I wanna see them again. I see a doctor come in.

Nice to see you awake Holly. Said the doctor.

I'm doctor Hernandez. He says

Okay. I said

Do you have any family members of any sorts? Doctor. Hernandez said

Yes his name is Kian Lawley, he is my brother. I said

It says here that you don't have a brother named Kian Lawley. The doctor said

W-What. I stuttered

Yes your family member is named Skylar Elias. Doctor said

( Skylar's p.o.v )

Hollys my sister. Omg. We always looked alike but still. I need to get some fresh air.

I drove to a abandoned park. I went to the top of the hill. I let my wings out.

Yes I'm half dragon. So is my whole family is one. So that means Hollys one. Well YOLO

I flew around. I should really go back. I put my wings back in back...


Bullied By My Brother  (In Need Of Major Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz