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Chapter 10: Emily Tries to Use the Potty but Her ABDL Diaper Won't Come Off and Her Mom Double Diapers Emily

After their memorable trip to ABDL Galaxy's Edge, Emily and her mom returned home feeling tired but content. As they settled back into their routine, Emily's mom decided it was time to encourage Emily to use the potty like a big girl. She knew it was an important step in Emily's development, even though she embraced the ABDL lifestyle.

"Emily, sweetie," her mom said gently, "how about we try using the potty today?"

Emily's eyes widened with curiosity and a hint of apprehension. She had become comfortable with wearing diapers, finding them comforting and familiar. However, she knew that using the potty was a significant milestone, and she was willing to give it a try.

"Okay, Mommy," Emily replied, her voice filled with determination.

Her mom led her into the bathroom, where a small potty chair was waiting. Emily hesitated for a moment before sitting down on the tiny seat. She wiggled a bit, trying to find a comfortable position, but something felt off.

To her surprise, Emily realized that her ABDL diaper was not coming off. She tugged and pulled, but the diaper stubbornly clung to her. Confusion crossed her face as she looked up at her mom.

"Oh, sweetie," her mom said sympathetically, "it seems like your diaper is stuck. Let me help you."

Emily's mom tried her best to remove the diaper, but it seemed to be securely fastened. They both realized that the diaper was designed to stay in place, making it difficult to remove without assistance.

Not wanting to discourage Emily from using the potty, her mom quickly came up with a solution. She reached for another diaper and gently explained, "How about we try double diapering you for now? That way, you can still use the potty when you're ready, but we'll have a backup in case of accidents."

Emily nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment. She understood that her mom was trying to help, but she couldn't help but feel a slight pang of frustration at the realization that she couldn't remove her diaper herself.

Her mom carefully double diapered Emily, ensuring that she was comfortable and secure. She reassured Emily that it was okay and that they would figure things out together. They decided to give the potty training another try, with Emily sitting on the potty while still wearing her double diapers.

As the days went by, Emily and her mom continued their potty training journey. They celebrated small victories and remained patient through setbacks. Emily gradually grew more comfortable with the potty, even though her double diapers were a constant reminder of her reliance on them.

Her mom reminded her that potty training took time and that it was perfectly okay to take things at her own pace. She emphasized that accidents were a normal part of the process and that they would support Emily every step of the way.

Over time, Emily's confidence grew, and she began to successfully use the potty more often. Eventually, the double diapers became unnecessary, and Emily was able to remove her ABDL diaper independently. It was a moment of triumph for both Emily and her mom, a testament to their patience and persistence.

As they bid farewell to the double diapers, Emily felt a sense of accomplishment and newfound independence. She knew that she could still embrace her ABDL lifestyle while also navigating the world of potty training. With her mom's unwavering support, Emily was ready to face new challenges and continue growing into the amazing little person

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