Chapter 10: The Gardens

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Lydia's POV:

I was left leaving a voicemail on Carter's landline voice machine for the sixth time that day. Where was she? I had been to her house. Had asked everyone where she was, but no one knew. This was starting to get freaky. People can't just go missing like that, can they?

My phone started vibrating. Owen. "Hey."

"Hey, have you heard anything from Carter yet?" He asked worriedly.

"Not a thing. I'm getting worried Owen. Her parents aren't here either, but they went missing a long time ago. Now Carter? It's obviously the same person. They're kidnapping Carter's family one by one. Who's gonna be next? What if it's me? We're practically family. Oh my gosh! This can't be happening!"

"Lyds, calm down. We're gonna find her. I'll look day and night. She is my girlfriend after all."

"Is that what you call it?" I asked, feeling snoopy.

"Well, I think we are. I mean, we've kissed. We seem to like each other. Doesn't that mean we're together?"

"I don't know Owen. Why don't you ask her? After we stop talking about your relationship and look for our friend who could be in possible serious danger!" I screamed down the phone.

"Ok, ok. Calm down. I'll meet you at my house in an hour okay? You call the police."

I hung up, and quickly dialled 999. "Hello, I'd like to report a missing person."...

Carter's POV:

After Jesse and I had finished up dinner, he escorted me back to my room.

"I think Arnold will want to speak with you soon. You should stay here."

"But I don't want to Jesse. It's boring."

Jesse smiled slightly, his eyes playful. "I suppose I could take you to the Gardens."

"Gardens? What's that?" I asked.

"They are what they sound like." Jesse stated obviously.

I rolled my eyes. "That I know. I mean, what makes them so special? Like, they're just normal gardens right?"

Jesse shook his head. "You will see once we get there my Princess. Please, come with me."

And with that, we walked off through the bendy halls and twisted paths. It took about half an hour until we reached a large hill with heavenly green grass and rays of beautiful sunshine shinning through the gaps in the green and amber trees. I gasped with amazement. I had only seen scenery like this in movies. Fake. But this, this was another world. Literally.

"Please sit, my Princess."

"Thanks, but can you not call me Princess anymore? We're friends. Treat me like one." I said, smiling up at him.

"Friends? We are friends?"

"Aren't we?" My gaze dropped onto my lap.

"Oh, yes. Yes, I think we are. I like being around you... Carter."

I smiled at him. This must be so unnatural for him, but it was for the best. If our friendship was going to last, we needed to address each other as friends.

"This is so beautiful Jesse." I whispered, the soft breeze gently playing with my hair.

"Yes, it is. A lot of the faeries come her to relax and reflect. I come here for some peace. Being in that busy mansion all day can really mess you up." He chuckled.

I joined in. "What's it like?"

He turned to me, opening his eyes.

"Being a faerie?" I said.

"Well, you should know." He chuckled.

I shook my head. "No, I What's it like here?"

"It's wonderful. Hard work, but wonderful."

"So, you work in the mansion all the time?" I asked.

Jesse nodded. "Everyday. All day."

I sighed. "That must be no fun."

Jesse shrugged. "I don't know. It can be entertaining sometimes I guess... Well... I mean... I love it. I love it, even though it's hard, and I wouldn't have my life any other way."

I smiled at him. "So, how old are you?"

"Seventeen. So are you, now that your born hour has passed."

I looked up at the sky, trying to concentrate on what he was saying, but it was nearly impossible. This place was just so beautiful and stunning. Calling it gorgeous would be an understatement. Birds were tweeting above us, hovering and flying away their worries. Some squirrels were fighting over a nut next to a nearby tree. It made me giggle how they rolled in the thin layer of mud, getting all dirty in the process. I was completely out of it, until I remembered I was talking to Jesse.

"Ummm... My what?" I asked, confused.

"Your born hour. You know, the hour you were born."

I laughed. "You mean my birthday?"

He looked at me confused. "I have never heard of that Carter."

"It's the day that you were born. You celebrate."

"Yes, your born hour. We celebrate the hour you were born."

"Just the hour?" I asked.

Jesse nodded. "Just the hour. Then, it's passed."

"Oh, we celebrate the whole day."

"Oh, we have no time for that. We celebrate for one hour, then it's back to work."

I looked at Jesse. He looked at me.

I laughed. " I like you Jesse."

"I like you too Carter."


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