Veiled Visions

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a play in one-act
by Auden Rilke

THE SCENE. The stage is set in the middle of the wilderness. The backdrop shows a dense forest with tall trees, with a small campfire at the centre of the stage, a stream on the left, with kindlings and small twigs, and a tent at the far back on the right. As the night falls, the lighting should become dimmer, with the campfire casting flickering shadows on the stage.

CURTAIN RISES. Enter ASH and AMY, carrying backpacks, dressed in outdoor gear, from stage-left, ASH first while AMY is behind him.

ASH (looking around, amazed): "Can you believe we are in the middle of nowhere, really? This is astounding!"
AMY (nodding in agreement): "I agree! It is the perfect getaway from the bustle of the city. Such tranquillity."

(AMY and ASH put down their bags and sit around the campfire, chattering, while making a fire.)

Amy begins to feel uneasy as the night falls.

(Exeunt ASH)

Amy sees Ash disappear and reappear at random moments but tries to dismiss it as her imagination.

(Enter ASH, slightly pale)

AMY (concerned, baffled): "Ash, did you disappear for a second there?"
ASH (smiles, with malicious glee): "What are you talking about, Amy? I'm right here."
AMY (dismissively): "Never mind. I must be tired. Let's go to sleep."

(AMY and ASH get into their tent and sleep, leaving the tent open. A few minutes go by, the lighting gets dimmer. ASH exits. AMY wakes up to find ASH missing. AMY looks around frantically.)

AMY (distressed): "Ash? Where are you? This isn't funny!"

(Enter ASH, paler than before, walks towards the campfire, sitting down)

ASH (derisively): "What's wrong, Amy? Why are you frightened?"
AMY (infuriated): "You disappeared! I couldn't find you! Where were you!"
ASH (shrugging): "I was just out on a walk. I'm here now, with you. (gives a reassuring smile)"

Amy begins to feel more and more uneasy as Ash's disappearance becomes more frequent and intense.

AMY (absentmindedly): "I'm going to get more wood to feed the fire."
ASH (looks up at Amy): "Okay."

(AMY walks towards the stream on the stage-left, gathering the kindlings together, and carrying them, as she returns to ASH.)

AMY (sees Ash in the distance, exhausted): "Ash! I need a hand here! (looks down at the kindlings she has gathered) It would be nice!"

(Exeunt ASH, as Amy looks up)

AMY (panicking): "Ash? Where are you?"

(Enter ASH, even paler than before, stupefied)

ASH (befuddled): "I'm here!"
AMY (concerned, enraged): "You weren't here a while ago!"
ASH (baffled): "I was! What are you talking about?"
AMY (disoriented): "You weren't! I saw you disappear!"
ASH (ameliorates): "I didn't."

(ASH walks towards AMY, putting a hand behind her back, guiding AMY towards the campfire. AMY drops the kindlings, as AMY and ASH sit by the campfire. Lighting gets brighter.)

AMY (standing up, infuriated): "Why do you always disappear?"
ASH (baffled): "What?"
AMY (wearied): "Where do you always disappear to?"
ASH (mock confusion): "I don't?"
AMY (snapping, enraged): "You do! You always disappear, every time, then you come back."
ASH (calmly): "No, I don't. Relax, it's just your mind playing tricks on you. (pauses) Look, I'm still here, aren't I?"
AMY (suppressed): "Well, I suppose so."
ASH (reassures): "You need to relax. Get some rest."

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