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the first quidditch game of the season was approaching soon, and it was slytherin vs. gryffindor, it would be a good game that's for sure. it was cool, november morning and dorothea had thrown on one of theo's many quidditch jumpers that he had given her before she headed down to breakfast with pansy. the two girls took a seat at the table, as the rest of the boys filed in next to them. the atmosphere in the great hall was tense, the biggest house rivalry were going head to head against each other. when draco sat down, he had passed dorothea and pansy silver badges shaped like a crown on it, below WEASLEY IS OUR KING scribbled below. "dray, what is this?" dorothea asked. 

"what you don't like me showing off school spirit?" he questioned back. 

"it's just, well," dora couldn't seem to find the right words for it, but luckily pansy got her, 

"this has draco malfoy written all over this, and in a, only slytherins will find this funny" pansy finished, dorothea nodding along to the statement. after a bit more talk during breakfast, the girls plus enzo, decided to go get good seats to watch the game. 

as dorothea got up, she bent down and pressed a kiss to theo's cheek, whispering "do me proud teddy" in his ear, and a collective "good luck" to the other boys, then disappearing out of the great hall doors. pansy had found some good seats in the front row, even if it meant she pushed some first years out of the way. "oh i hope they win" dora muttered under her breath.

"if they don't they'll all be sour for a week" pansy added on. after a while of huddling together, enzo pointed out the slytherin team emerging from the locker rooms. the slytherin section erupted in cheers, dorothea particularly shouting quite loud for theo, and theo only, sometimes the occasional blaise. the whistle was blown and the game had started, gryffindor taking the quaffle, as theo knocked a bludger towards alicia spinnet within a minute of the game starting. lee jordan's voice rang out across the pitch, analyzing the plays, with a bit of side commentary. then the slytherin section got louder, they started singing, "weasley cannot save a thing, he cannot block a single ring, that's why slytherins all sing: weasley is our king"  they had multiple verses too, not just the one over and over again. 

"oh my lord" dorothea groaned, "fucking draco," zabini had control of the quaffle now, flying down towards ron, and before blaise could even release the quaffle from his hand, ron took a massive dive and the quaffle soared right through the hoop, they had gotten the first points. 

"FUCK YEAH ZABINI" enzo shouted, followed by whoops and hollers from the two girls who were jumping up and down. the game continued on, the quaffle being passed around, bludgers flying in all sorts of directions. dorothea had turned to see her best friend now conducting the song to the section, as she shook her head in disbelief. throughout the stadium, you could hear groans coming from the gryffindor side and shouts from slytherin as pucey scored another goal. the game continued on, forty - ten, slytherin in the lead, as ron had let in a few more goals. when suddenly harry spotted the snitch, malfoy followed suit immediately, the two had their arms stretched out, trying to grasp the golden ball, and sadly, harry came out victorious. as the gryffindors screamed in approval, a bludger came and smacked harry square in the back, lucky for dorothea, it wasn't theo who hit it, but mattheo instead. she had pulled pansy, and enzo to the stairs so they could head down to the pitch. when the three reached the bottom of the pitch, dorothea could faintly hear the sound of her annoying cousin taunting harry and the weasleys. 

"DRACO" dorothea shouted, starting to run over to the commotion, knowing he was a sour loser and by the looks of fred and george's faces, this wasn't going to end well. theo had landed near draco, and he saw fred leap toward malfoy, as he continued on with his teasing. all of sudden, harry and george started sprinting at malfoy, theo immediately jumping in to save his friend from getting beaten to a pulp. "THEO! NO!" dorothea practically shouted, as theo pulled george off of malfoy, and started swinging. "THEODORE!" when suddenly madam hooch yelled a spell to knock everyone off each other, did dorothea see draco curled up on the ground and theo had cuts on his cheek and lip, george, on the other hand, had a swollen lip, and a bloody nose. dorothea finally reached her boyfriend and cousin, "get the fuck up draco" she seethed, before turning towards theo, who had suddenly found the ground quite interesting. "come find me later" as she stormed off the pitch back to the common room, pansy running to catch up with her, leaving enzo, mattheo, and blaise to take care of theo and draco. 

it wasn't long before theo had opened dorothea's dormitory door, with a sheepish look on his face. he had only changed out of his quidditch uniform before he raced up to her room "dory?" he entered the room, looking for dorothea.

"in here teddy!" she called from the bathroom. theo stood in the doorway, watching dorothea sit in the bathroom sink as she took off her makeup from the game, the two made eye contact in the mirror and dorothea turned around, beckoning for theo to come stand here. "oh baby, you're all cut up" she said, examining his face and knuckles. 

"are you mad?" he asked quietly. 

"mad? i could never be mad at you, you stood up for draco, even if he was very much in the wrong" dorothea said, taking a damp cloth and dabbing at the cut on theo's lip. "it may have been a stupid decision sure, but let's be real, draco's all bark and no bite"

theo chuckled at that statement, "and a sore loser" he added on, which spread a smile on dora's face. "you looked so good cheering me on today" a lame attempt on trying to change the subject. 

"you think so? cause i could get used to wearing your jumper for games" she responded back, checking to see if anything else needed to be cleaned up. once dorothea determined her boyfriend was all better, she turned her head to put the towel down as theo leaned in for a kiss., dorothea ended up swerving the kiss on accident. 

"what was that for?" 

"what was what for?" dorothea asked, unaware of the fact dorothea swerved his kiss. 

"you totally swerved my kiss!" theo exclaimed, giving a bit of a pouty look. with that dorothea peppered his face in kisses, giving theo a longer one of his lips. 


"much" he confirmed with a nod. 

"good, no go shower because you start to stink" dora hopped off the counter, grabbed a pair of his sweats, and threw them at theo who was still in the bathroom, "i'll be out here!" 

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