Chapter One

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"Baby, Conrad's here!" Aaron Willis shouts from the bottom of the staircase.

Baby was sitting on top of her light pink suitcase trying to squash all her clothes so the zipper can finally zip shut. Grabbing her carry on bag that had everything she would need for the ride. Picking up her suitcase before running out of her room. The wheels of her suitcase bang loudly against the stairs.

Hearing voices in the kitchen, Baby drops her bags by the front door and walks down the hallway towards the kitchen. Her father and boyfriend were sitting at the kitchen table chatting.

"Hey." Baby says walking towards Conrad placing a kiss on top of his head before placing a kiss on her fathers cheek. "You ready?" Conrad questioned.

"Yup" Baby nodded, popping the 'p' before turning to her dad. "You're sure I can go Dad, cause I don't mind staying." That statement was not true, Baby really wanted to go. "Really Kiddo, I don't mind. Go have fun." Aaron replied, standing up placing a small kiss on his daughter's head.

"I just don't want to leave you alone all summer." A look takes over Baby's face. Frances and Aaron and a very close bond. It had just been those two for all of Baby's 18 years alive. The two had never been apart from one another longer than two weeks. She was nervous to be apart from her father for so long.

"I'll be fine Baby. Really, I want you to go have fun" Aaron wraps his arms around his daughter pulling her into a hug. Letting her go before they all head towards the front door. Conrad picks up his girlfriend's bags and walks to his red jeep.

"Call me when you get their Kiddo okay, and I'll see you on July 4th" Aaron gives his daughter one last hug before opening the car door for her. "I love you"

"I love you too Dad" Baby smiles at her father, buckling her seatbelt. Conrad hops into the driver's seat, putting the keys into the ignition starting the car. Waving to her father out the window. The car reverses as the couple drive off towards Cousins.


"Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight" Baby sings. The car windows down, blowing her blonde hair everywhere. Conrad's hand sits on her thigh, the other on the steering wheel. Conrad's smile glows, he's finally going to show the girl he love's the place he love's."Take me though the darkness to the break of day" Baby shouts, her smile big as she looks and her boyfriend.

The sign to Cousins was up ahead. The song is over as Conrad turns to the girl next to him. "Do you think Jere's angry that we made him ride with your mother alone?" Baby questions, her smile staying on her face.

"Probably" Conrad states, his smile also shines bright. It was nice seeing him like this. Lately her Connie had been down. For months Conrad had been in this mood and it was only rare that he smiled this much. Though Conrad always seemed to smile around Baby.

Pulling up the driveway to the house. Baby was ecstatic, she could wait to see and meet all the people Connie speaks about when they're together.

This was going to be their summer.


"Baby!!" Stepping out of the car, Baby hears Susannah calling her name. Turning around Baby squeals running towards her boyfriend's mum. Wrapping her arms around the women, the two rock back and forth.

Conrad smiles, pulling the bags out of the boot of the car. He was happy that the girls were close. He just hoped she had a relationship with Laurel and Belly.

"You're here, I can wait to show you the house," Susannah smiled. She knew. She knew that this was the perfect girl for her perfect boy. Grabbing the younger girl's hand she pulls her towards the house.

"You and Conrad are going to be sharing a room." Susannah states walking down the hallway towards the living room. Jeremiah was sitting on the couch playing a video game.

"Hey, Jere Bear" Baby walking to walk the boy, ruffling his hair. "Hey, Baby Baby" Jere replies, fixing his hair.

Following Conrad up the stairs towards his room. Conrad places their bags on the floor of the bed. Walking towards his girlfriend, sneaking his arms around her waist. In return, Baby's arms wrap around his neck, her fingers weaving into his hair. Leaning into each other, their lips connect moving against one another. The taste of Baby strawberry lip balm hits Conrad's tongue as he sweeps it over her lips begging for her access.

Before anything could happen, Baby pulls away. "Do you think they will like me?"

"Of course they'll like you. You're a very likable person" Conrad teases, pecking her lips a couple times before pulling away from her. "I hope so." Baby whispers. Moving to lay on the bed watching as Conrad unpacks their things, placing them into drawers and hanging her dress in the wardrobe.

The couple joke around for a few minutes – Conrad teasing and showing her the underwear she brought hoping to make her less nervous – before Conrad joins her on the bed cuddling each other to the point they were nearly asleep before they hear Susannah yell. "Their here"

It was time to meet the Conklin's 

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