Chapter 9

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A few hours later I pressed a soft kiss to Rayla's forehead and she stirred, murmuring slightly.

"I'll be back later, I promise." I pulled my clothes back on leaving her to sleep.

I bathed again before I left her apartment and shut the door quietly behind me.

About time. Rhys voice chuckled through my head. Cass had mentioned you needed to clear your head.

It was much appreciated. I sent back as I took to the skies. I headed up to the House of the Wind. I set down on my feet and strode towards where everyone was sitting on the patio. Cass must have filled them in while I was...busy. Up here on the patio, we could not be overheard and our conversation would remain a secret only to us. Nox babbled to himself as he toddled towards me,

"He flew almost halfway with Feyre before he gave up." Mor said proudly, beaming at her nephew.

"Heh. No easy flight for a young one." I picked him up and sat down with him on my knee.

I figured he was tired as he snuggled into my chest, thumb in his mouth. I turned to face Rhys,

"So now you know why we came back early. There wasn't much to go on, really. Some rumors here and there from the village folk." I cleared my throat, "As for the other thing," I trailed off.

"I'll have it taken care of. Proper rites and prayers for those slain during the war." Rhy's eyes turned dark and I knew he was thinking of his family.

"Have you told her? After all, they were probably her ancestors and she should want to pay her respects." Mor asked quietly, her brows furrowing.

"No. I don't believe that was her village. The tombs were intact and undisturbed at least for a few centuries. Who knows what village she's actually from, she was quite vague on the topic." I felt uncomfortable talking about Rayla as if she was suspicious.

"I understand, she's your mate and you're both still new to each other." Rhys smiled grabbing Feyre hand, "I didn't know a thing about Feyre when we met. Something about painting and pissing off a certain High Lord." Feyre rolled her eyes and muttered "Prick." under her breath. Rhys only chuckled and I smiled at the interaction.

"I can go back if necessary. I'll winnow in and out if need be." I suggested.

"If the queen finds out any new information then I'll take your offer but for now, just relax." Rhys replied and I inwardly sighed. "Take the night off, Az. Be with your mate."

I nodded and gently picked up my nephew placing him in Feyre's arms. Mor winnowed with Feyre and her son leaving me alone with my brothers. Cass just smirked at me and I wanted to throttle him. I knew he was trying to rile me up to get whatever was lurking out of my system. As much as I wanted to knock some teeth out, I had other plans. I gave a small nod to both as I took to the skies. Rayla was still asleep when I made it back to her apartment. So, I did what any mate would do and cleaned up her kitchen. I had just finished drying the last bowl when she tumbled out of bed. She didn't wear a stitch of clothing and I just stared, taking in every inch of her.

"Mornin'" She stretched showing off her brown, muscled body.

"It's three in the afternoon, hun." I laughed setting the bowl down, walking towards her.

"Your fault, you and your wicked ways. I'm still sore," She poked me in the chest, "Such a jerk." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I grabbed her around the waist and squeezed her ass playfully. She yelped, swatting my hands away. I kissed her softly and she pushed herself into me,

"Not sore enough, hmm? I think we can remedy that." Rayla's eyes went wide I scooped her up, throwing her over my shoulder. "I honestly can't get enough of you. You have me wrapped around your little finger."

"Heh. You're all mine, winged warrior." She smirked as we went back into the bedroom.

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