Chapter 2: Not so small talk

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Clementine opened the door, having her guard up in case a walker got into the Shack. Luckily some of the moonlight shined into the Shack so it provided her some light.

"Oh, Clem! Here, there's another chair here. Just be careful cause.. it's probably older than the school itself"

Clem sat down in the chair that she thought was probably made with a first grader in mind. It was tiny but hey, what can you say?

"So what did you want to talk to me about? Is it about AJ?" Clementine said with hesitation in her voice, already worried on what the next day would hold.

"Yes, but I mostly wanted to see how you felt, given what just happened. What you feel is best"

There was a moment of silence as Clementine collected her thoughts, figuring out how to put them into words.

"I mean- what can I say? Vi, I'm so sorry. I thought I had the situation under control, and that telling Marlon to leave would've been best but.." There was more hesitance.

"I.. I guess I didn't do an amazing job teaching AJ what are monsters and what aren't. Marlon wasn't a threat anymore. I have to live with the consequences just as much as AJ does. His blood is on my hands, literally and figuratively." She says as she looks down at her hands. She actually tried rinsing them in the stream right next to the Shack but her nails and some parts of her hands are still stained with Marlon's blood.

Violet sighs. "Clem, just because he didn't have a gun in his hand doesn't mean he wasn't a threat. He was a threat just being there. Even if he had left, he could've told whoever those child snatchers are, where we live. He could've let them take all of us. If that's honestly how you feel, I can't change that. But I'll be sleeping well knowing that someone who could've been the death of us is dead himself. I just need to know where those people took Sophie & Minnie" She says as her eyes drift to the engraving of her and Minnie's initials on the wall, inside a heart.

Clementine's eyes followed hers. She recalls seeing the engraving while fishing earlier that day.

Violet looks back at her, "Oh, shit. Um- Minnie and I were-"

"I Know, Vi. We'll find out who took her and Sophie. I promise."

"Ok, thank you, Clem. It'll be a long road but it'll all be worth it to get them back and make sure those kidnappers never do this again. Marlon will be an example." Her demeanor had gone cold as she said that. So much so even the temperature felt like it dropped suddenly.

"Of course. But we still have to face Mitch and the others tomorrow."

"Fuck Mitch, man." Violet says with the same cold tone. "You contribute to our survival. All pros & cons will be discussed. And the pros heavily outweigh the cons"

"I hope you're right. We have a long day tomorrow. One long day..."

Clementine didn't realize how much truth those words held. Later, after more conversation and a leisurely walk back to the school, Violet heard a familiar voice from the woods.

But Clementine however, she recognized both voices....

Authors note
Just for preface, this will very much diverge from the canon game. Obviously chapter one takes place after Marlon's death but everything after is very different from the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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