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Lo'ak was running in the forest to find Maueve, it turned out that he wanted to spend some time alone with her, after what happened yesterday, he knows that Maueve forgave him, but she was still sad about what happened...

Since he want to his family's marui, he wathced her face, only one expression of sadness, Kiri was even feeling sorry for her, Neteyam was messing with her braids to relieve her, her firends and Tuk and Spider told stories to her, reassuring her of tention.

He asked Sebastian where she was, the crab informed him that she had gone for a walk in the forest, he thanked him and wnet after her.

Crossing branches sitting in front of him, he saw her training on the branch, she was still trying to balance between the trees, she didn't give up, she still wanted to be carefull in this test...

Lo'ak smiled and approached slowly so that she wouldn't notice, Maueve used her strenght to jump on the other tree, rolled her tail on the other branch by force, balancing herself to grab the tree's wood...

She sighed in relief before focusing on doing it again, she just looked down and saw someone else, arls crossed and a smile on her face.

She blushed and ended up letting go of the tree accidentaly, slipped again, Without thinking Lo'ak jumped as fast as possible grabbing her body and the two fell of the cliff, ending up hitting something light, a gaint leav in front of them, they slipped and landed on the comfortable grass with some familliar flowers, the color of Maueve's hair.

They chuckled before calming down, Lo'ak glanced at Maueve's face who watched the flowers for a bit before looking at him too.

The two's gazes greeted their feelings, Lo'ak's hair on either side of the lawn on the ground, Maueve's hair on either side of his head, she smiled lightly and placed her hand on his hand...

He leaned into her hand, his palm so warm, massaged it still keeping her eyes on him, his smile is so beautiful, unfortunaly for Maueve, she couldn't tell him that, it wouldn't be embarrassing.

She didn't feel like she was on top of Lo'ak. He leaned back against the stone and placed Maeuve on his lap.

She laid her haid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, relaxing her body feeling his arms tighten around her, both of them enjoyed the silence, just listening to the sounds of the forest.

Lo'ak looked up to where Maueve was leaning "Were you still trying to practice?" Maueve pulled her head back to nod "you know you don't have to try so hard, right?" She snorted before leaning into him again, elicting a chuckle from him.

"Are you still upset about yesterday?" Maueve shook her head "Come on, don't lie to me, you looked like a pouting baby yesterday" Maueve let out a hiss before lifting her head up.

She rolled her eyes and looked yo the side, trying to distract herself with something, but she couldn't because Lo'ak grabed her chin and made her look at him without breaking eye contact.

"Maueve, you see, i'm fine thanks to my grandmother and my sister they healed me quickly it doesn't hurt so much, you know you don't have to worry about me so much" Maueve is sad and looks down in dissapointment.

He knows he hurt her, he saw that she is a girl to care about those important people, those who care about her in their heart, he sighed before bringing her closer now his head was on hers, foreheads together.

"Hey... sorry i know you worry too much to take care of me right now... i understand you but i'm fine and i'm strong thanks to you too, don't think about something terrible that's going to happen, i'm here with you and we'll always be together, okay?

Maueve's eyes began to water and she noddedn Lo'ak's pained expression appeared on her face, he placed a light kiss on her forehead caressing her cheek comfortably...

He tought of some idea to take her since he was free today, but then an idea came up...

"Hey Maueve, wanna go for a ride?"

Maueve's expression changed to one of confusion.

"Hold on to me!" Lo'ak spoke to Maueve who who was behind him, they were mounted on an ikran, wich belongs to Lo'ak, the two decided to make an aerial flight flying in some f-parts of hte Hallelujah mountains...

He positioned himself before starting to fly upwards, away from the ground, now flying through the air almost halfway near the clouds below, Maueve looked closely at the places of Pandora, wich Lo'ak had told her before, it was so beautiful and colorful, like in the ocean she lived...

Passing between the floating rocks, passing playfully, Lo'ak barked and Maueve shook her head playfully, she touched the next plants as passed, in just one, the other was at his waist

With her strong hair thrown back, Maueve closed her eyes feeling the wind hit her skin, as if she was passing through them, of course, flying through the air between the gale of the sky.

Then she looked down to see only the forest but thebn an open river, she swerved and looked at Lo'ak's back, she tought of a plan that would scare him completely.

She nudged him by the shoulder, Lo'ak looked at her questionly, she flashed a wicked smile before leaning to the side, Lo'ak instantly panicked, not giving her a chance as Maueve fell.

"Maueve!!" He screamed and tried to reach out for her, only to have her fall into deep water.

He stopped at the riverside, getting off of his ikran before jumping into the water, he knows that she can stay in the water because she's half fish, but could her fall have hurt any part of her body?

Lo'ak took a deep breath before diving in, desperately looking for her, only finding nothing, he looked around to find only rocks, seaweed etc...

He climbed in, taking a deep breath before looking around again to see if Maueve had surfaced, before he could scream he was pulled under the water, only a face laughing at him before pulling away.

They got out of the water at the same time, she approached his face, she laughed while pulling her hair out of the way seeing the boy's expression, he was upset...

"What were you thinking Maueve?! Do you know what you just did??" Maueve was hiding behind her hair, ignoring his scolding "Don't ignore me, i'm serious! What if you got hurt?! you're lucky you dont have any injuries"

Maueve pulled her hair back and placed her hand on his shoulder, catching his attentio, before huf-gging him, resting her haid on his shoulder, still in the water, he slid his hand on her wet back, he sighed tiredly.

"I got scared, don't do that again, okay?" Maueve nodded and kissed his cheek causing Lo'ak to shiver "O-Okay, let's go back home!

"Damn, why do i like this?"

i added more things to the visuals so go check it out i chose a face and the colors of her skin and mermai tail

Heyy so I just wanted to say that I'm really bussy with school and stuf but I'll try to make the next chapter as fast as possible

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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