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"Any luck?" Lori asked Amy as they sat around the camp trying to sort out the mushrooms they had collected.

"How do we know if there poison?" Amy asked as she looked down at them.

"Uh, there's only one sure way I know to find out." Lori mentioned with a small smile.

"Aske Shane when he gets back?" Amy asked not quite sure whether she was correct.

"Yeah, that's it." Lori conformed as she stood up. "Thank you." She added before turning her attention to Dale and Carl. "Dale, I'm heading out. Carl I need you to stay where Dale can see you, okay? Your dad should be back soon."

"Sure Aunt Lori." Carl replied not looking up from what he was doing.

"You too. Don't wander too far. Stay within shouting distance. And if you see anything, Holler, I'll come running." Dale told Lori sternly.

Lori just nodded before walking into the woods to get more food for camp.


"Hey, you alive in there?" Glenn asked over the radio.

"Hello? Hello?" Rick asked still not quite believing what he was hearing.

"There you are." Glenn replied. "You had me wondering."

"Where are you?" Rick asked desperately. "Outside? Can you see me right now?"

"Yeah, I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news." Glenn told him making Rick groan.

"There's good news?" Rick asked not getting how being surrounded by walkers could be a good thing.


"Listen whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here." Rick admitted.

"Oh man. You should see it from over here." Glenn told Rick before adding. "You'd be having a major freak-out."

"Got any advice for me?" Rick asked hoping with everything he had the other man had some way of helping him get out to find his family.

"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it." Glenn suggested not being all too helpful.

"That's it? Make a run for it."

"My way's not as dumb as it sounds. You've got eyes on the outside here. There's one geek still up on the tank but the others have claimed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. With me so far?" Glenn asked wanting to do whatever he can to help the man trapped in the tank.

"So far."

"Okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you move now while they're distracted, you stand a chance." Glen explained to him before asking. "Got ammo?"

"In that duffel bag I dropped out there, and guns." Rick told Glen as he got himself ready to make a run for it. "Can I get it?"

"Forget the bag, okay?" Glen said after a second. "It's not an option. What do you have on you?"

"Hang on." Rick looks down at his hands, clipping the grenade he found to his belt and deciding it was probably better not to tell the man about it. "Yeah. Yeah. I've got a Beretta with one clip, 15 rounds."

"Make 'em count. Jump of the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction. There's an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards. Be there." Glen lists of hoping that Rick makes it there.

"Hey what's your name?" Rick asked wanting to at least know the name of the guy his was trusting to get him out alive.

"Have you been listening?" Glen asked sounding a bit annoyed. "You're running out of time."

The worst possible timing ! RickylWhere stories live. Discover now