Avengers: part 2

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[The scene is is Russia. There is a building, a warehouse, next to some unfinished railroad tracks under construction. The building is only occupied by Georgi Luchkov, a Russian general, and two thugs, with a prisoner amongst them, tied to a chair. The taller thug is in the middle of hitting the spy, a red headed Russian woman in a black tank top. They have a conversation in Russian.]

"Natasha?" asked Tony in a high-pitched tone "yeah?" she asked "why wasn't Barton on the mission with you, I mean yeah you can take care of yourself but you guys di missions quicker than solo, trust me we know" said Tony. Natasha just pointed to Fury "blame him" she said.

GENERAL LUCHKOV: [in Russian] This is not how I wanted the evening to go.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better.

Clint snorts at his wife's sass, something their daughters seemed to have gotten off her just by observing.

LUCHKOV: I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out a carrier, a stained glass and other random items.

[The taller thug pushes her chair back, tilting it over the edge of a few story drop, and Natasha hides her fear.]

NATASHA: I thought General Solohob was in charge of the export business.

LUCHKOV: Solohob? Your reputation is quite a progression. The famous Black Widow. Nothing but a pretty face.

NATASHA: You really think I'm pretty?

"Yes" said very man people, Natasha smirked letting the comment sink in but didn't force herself out of Clint's grip when she felt him snake his hand around her waist and pulled her closer.

[Luchkov walks over to a table filled with tools of torture and interrogation, picking up a pair of pliers. The tall thug next to her forces her jaw open.]

LUCHKOV: We do not need the Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him, well... [In English] You may have to write it down.

[A phone rings, and the weaselly thug looks to his phone in confusion. He picks it up.]

WEASELLY THUG: Ya? [He looks to Luchkov.] It's for you.

[Luchkov takes the phone, annoyed and angry.]

LUCHKOV: Who the hell is...

COULSON: You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby.

"Why didn't he save you if he knew where you were?" asked Harry, when Evie spoke "because she didn't need to be" she said in a duh tone, "dad Evie's being mean" "Evangelina" began James only to be cut off "kid you cool, you're coming with me, James when I want your opinion I'll give it to you" said Natasha dragging Evie over "so Evangelina?" asked Natasha, Evie looked disgusted at her full name "dad's fault mum didn't get a choice, I prefer Eva, Eve or Evie" Natasha nods and looks back at the screen. 

[Luchkov places the cell phone against Natasha's ear seeing how she's tied to a chair with her hands tied behind her back.]

COULSON: We need you to come in.

NATASHA: Are you kidding? I'm working!

"Who does work like that?" asked Molly "us" said Clint and Natasha in sync. "Natalie you should be at home raising kids" said Molly "Natasha" stressed Natasha as if talking to a small child "honestly Jake is more smart than the lot of you and he's three" Clint muttered as Steve says "Natasha doesn't have kids" causing the assassins to smirk.

COULSON: This takes precedence.

NATASHA: I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything.

"true" said Clint.

LUCHKOV: [Confused] I don't give everything.

NATASHA: [Frowning at Luchkov] Look, you can't pull me out of this right now.

COULSON: Natasha. Clint's been compromised.

NATASHA: [After a beat] Let me put you on hold.

[Natasha nods to Luchkov. When he grabs the phone, she hits him with her leg and headbuts him. She stands, still tied to the chair, and kickboxes the tall thug in the face. She rolls over to the weasely thug, trips him, and stomps on his foot when he tries to pin her, then she knocks him out with a headbut. Coulson waits calmly, listening to her take three men down with her arms literally tied behind her back. She flips, breaking the chair on weasely thugs' ribcage, and looks to the tall thug, standing up. She kicks him too, chocking him out cold. She then wraps Luchkov's legs with a chain and pushes him down the hole he was threatening to drop her down. He hangs there, in pain, and she grabs her shoes and the phone.]

The boys who didn't thinks girls could fight looked shocked.

NATASHA: Where's Clint now?

COULSON: We don't know.

NATASHA: But he's alive.

"Well I'd like to thing so" said Clint, "oh shush" said Natasha. Lily observed the interaction as did Yelena and Kate.

COULSON: We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy.

NATASHA: Coulson, you know that Stark only trusts me about as far as he can throw me.

Tony makes a noise of fake offence. Natasha just grins at him.

COULSON: No, I've got Stark. You get the big guy.

NATASHA: [pausing and hanging up the phone.] Bozhe moi. [Russian translation for My God]

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