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Have you ever wondered why there are bad endings for Pokemon games?

Well, it's kinda simple; there's an entity that creates each bad ending in the games. The reason why you don't see this entity is because it disguises itself as an NPC that can be seen in that certain game, but you're not allowed to see it because if you did, you'd probably get kicked off the game.

However, there is a strange phenomenon that happens in each Pokemon game (specifically some of the 3D ones, since many of the 2D pixel games do not show the sky in those games) that many people shrug off as a glitch. It's called the indigo moon, and it's pretty self-explanatory about what it is; it's when the moon turns a dark shade of indigo.

After this, many people have theorized on websites like Reddit or 4Chan that the phenomenon might be tied into the bad endings of the game, as whenever someone sees the indigo moon in the game, no matter what they do, they always get a bad ending.

But many people wonder how this phenomenon even happened, and how does this entity cause the Indigo Moon in the games, as well as disguise itself as an NPC?

Well, this is the story about what happened to this entity, when it was still human.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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