Chapter 8: She knows

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Once we get there, we see Jo, April and Alex seated at a table drinking. When April sees us she jumps up.
"Omg so it's official??" April seems so excited
"Yes, it is. Y/n is officially my girlfriend" Arizona laughs and hugs April to say hello and I do too.

We get to the table and order some drinks. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see Callie staring directly at us from the bar and Arizona sees her too, so she pulls me into a kiss and when we look back to the girl with the black eye, she looks so angry and in shock.

"What is that all about?" Jo asks
"Callie gave us some drama before so we're pissing her off even more" I reply.

After a bit of drinking, I need to go to the bathroom but there is a line so I have to wait. I see Callie on the move and walk up towards me.

"I overheard you and Arizona are official?" She asks, jealousy raging over her.
"Yeah we are. Why is this any of your business again?" I reply bitterly.
I see Arizona look over at me.
"She's too good for you. She deserves more and someone who will actually be there for her and not someone who is just using her." She bitterly says

"I'm not using her. And we deserve each other equally so whatever ideas you have in mind about me or us, they aren't true. Now can I please enjoy my night without you in my face?"

Arizona is starting to make her way over towards me.

"They aren't ideas. They are fact. I've searched you. Searched you history. Divorced parents, a Mom on drugs, foster homes, a car and a fire." She looks down at my leg.

"Don't you dare bring that up! You do not have any business stalking me or searching me up! Where'd you even find that information??" I yell at her. I've searched my name a billion times before moving to make sure that everything in New York stays in New York.

"You ran away here and play the victim game-" she continues
"Callie! Shut up! What the fuck are you thinking saying that??! And y/n is not a fucking victim!!" Arizona yells at her face.

"Oh hey Arizona! What do you mean? I was just asking some general stuff to y/n" Callie plays dumb

"No. And you know it too. However you think your gonna get me back your not. Ever. Now leave. Please." Arizonas blood is beginning to boil and she looks like she could punch Callie in the face like I did before.

"Sorry Arizona. You didn't have to hear or see that. Sorry" Callie runs her hand down Arizona's arm before walking away.

I go into the bathroom and Arizona follows.
"Y/n, wait." I turn around to face her with tears building up in my eyes. Her entire mood changes.
"She's wrong. Ignore her, she doesn't matter."
"She knows." A tear trickles down my face.
"What do you mean?" She wipes the tear off my face.
"My parents, and the fire. My burns. She knows"

I moved here to try escape people like Callie yet I'm constantly being chased by her. I know I shouldn't care about it, but how could I not when she said that. When she knows...

"What? How??" Arizona seems furious once again and is about to go chase Callie but I grab her arm.

"Arizona no! It's ok. She searched me up or something." I wipe my tears away and see Arizonas eyes becoming glossy, filling up with tears.

"How did she find anything? I even tried searching you an-"
"You tried searching me?" I smirk beginning to smile and wipe away my tears.

I try to change the topic. I don't want to talk about Callie.

Arizonas face instantaneous goes red. "Maybe..."
"When?" I laugh
"Uh like 5 minutes after I saw you standing outside Bailey's office. Look in my defence, I wanted to know about you and I liked you but I didn't know if you would like me!" Arizona rambles on embarrassed
"It's cute" I laugh as she continues on.

"Let's get out of here." I say to Arizona as I kiss her cheek.
"Ok, lemme get my things" Arizona replies

Y/n and Arizona Robbins (greys anatomy)Where stories live. Discover now