Medic-A Gambling Man

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Gambler. She is the newest member of the team, a remarcable con-artist and poker player. Though she never wanted to be on the team, in fact she hates having to work with others. The only reason she joined the team is because she owes the Administrator a very large sum of money. 

She had joined the team a few weeks ago and got along with them. Gambler wore nice suits and always looked gorgeous. She combed back her short hair, and prided hersilf in looking well dressed. 

Gambler was eight months free of gambling, she always carried her eight month chip with her. Tonight she was walking to the recreation room, when she saw Heavy and Sniper setting up the poker table. 

"Oy sheila ya wanna join us for a game?" Sniper said as he set the chips down on the table. All the mercs started to grab chairs, zeven Medic was going to participate. 

"I think it's best I don't." She turns to leave around, but hesitates to walk away, she very much wanted to play poker. 

"Are you sure fra-Aye look she's scare to loose!" Scout interupted Medic and started to laugh hystarically. Gambler then smiles and turns to face them, she strides to the table confidently and sits next to Medic. 

"I didn't say that. And I'll be ice and give you all a chance to back out....No? Good. Sniper pass the deck I'll deal." Gambler says confidently, she was going to take them for every last penny they ha, expecailly Scout. Sniper hands her the deck, she then deals the hand out like a proffesional poker dealer would. A sinister smile spread across her face as she looked at her cards. 

--After about an hour---

"Sonova bitch!" Scout said as Gambler placed her two aces down on the table, winning yet another hand. She then leans forward and takes all the chips, guns, jwelery, and anyother valueable that were in the pot. 

"Well I'm not called Gambler cause I like the way it sounds. How about another hand?" She asks as she smiles, all the mercs looked exhasted after lossing twelve hands in a row. 

"No!" They all yelled symultaneously, this of course made Gambler chuckle.

"You can have your things back." She said feeling a bit bad, not wanting them to dislike her, 

"Ya I'd-Nein." Medic interupted Scout. 

"You earned them fair and square, they are yours." Medic smiled warmly at her, even though he really did want his favorite bone-saw back.

"In that case...take your stuff back." Gambler then stands up and stares at her feet, now feeling guilty. This made the mercs confused by her actions.

"Why ya givin us our stuff back sheila?" Sniper said while leaning forward in his seat, a bit curious to how Gambler was going respond.

"Well I didn't win fairly to say..." She said while looking at her feet, for the first time she felt guilty for taking peoples things in a poker game. Medic chuckled and took his favorite bone-saw from the pot, he then stood from bis seat and walked over to Gambler, standing so he was right in front of her. His face had a warm smile, suggesting that he was unfazed by her cheating but the bonesaw pressed against her abdomen told a different story. Gambler was as stiff as a board, she didn't dar to move. The others had told stories of Medic brutally torturing members of the other team and she had no intention to experience such pain. 

"Doc I-Well done my mein liebling." Medic interupted before leaning down slightly and kissing her cheek, Gambler blushed madly as he did so. After properly flustering Gambler, Medic retires to his laboratory. Leaving Gambler standing there trying to process what had just happened, after a few minutes she slowly walked to her room.


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