Chapter 11

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" whenever guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever follows my guidance, then there will neither be any fear on them nor will they grieve." Ayat 38

Jiddah's POV.

I brought out my key from my pocket and opened our gate as I salamed and entered the house

I sauntered straight into the house and salamed, no one was in the sitting room so I went to my mom's room to notify her about my arrival

"Salam Alaikum" I salamed as I entered and accommodated myself on her bed

"Wa'alaykum Salam" Mom replied smiling

"I'm back" I announced

"Welcome, so how was the wedding" Mom inquired

"It was good" I replied smiling

"There is a leather in my wardrobe go get it for me," Mom said

"Okay," I replied as I stood up to go get it. I picked it up and handed it over to her

"Have it" Mom said handing it back to me. I collected it hesitantly from her wanting to see what it was and to my surprise it was a brand new iPhone XR

"Mamaaaa!" I sequel hugging her

"Do you want to injure me?" Mom said smiling

"Thanks so much, I love you so much" I replied happily

"You're always welcome my girl" Mom replied

"Let me go and charge it" I stood up happily and walked away

I entered my room, unboxed my brand new iPhone XR, plugged it in, went to take a blitz, and performed my ablution, performed my Salah.

My phone started ringing and it was Ihsan

"Hey" I pouted

"Hello," Ihsan said

"How are you and mini-me" I implore

"We're both fine, how was the wedding?" Ihsan asked

"Ohh sorry forgot to call and gist you, I even have a gist for you" I pouted in a goofy voice

" I'm all ears" Ihsan replied giving me all her attention

" I'm now an iPhone XR holder" I beamed excitedly

"Ohh really, I'm so happy for you," Ihsan said happily

"Thanks, babe" I replied smiling

"I have to sub for you oh" Ihsan announced

"Ohh really, rich kid things" I teased her

"Warevaa" Ihsan said and we continued chatting about how she had been doing. Isha's prayer was been called so we said our goodbyes

I prayed to Isha and left for the kitchen to go help my mum in making dinner I checked my phone and it was already 75% charged

Mama(mom), and my sister were in the kitchen making two shinkafa and vegetable soup so I washed the dishes, made zobo drink

We were done working so we went back to sitting and waiting for the guys to come back so we could eat dinner with them

The men salamed in unison as they entered the sitting room

"Wa'alaykum" we replied glaring at them

"Seems like some people are tired of waiting for us" Dad jokes

"Yes sir" I mumbled

"And why ma'am?" Dad asked sitting next to me

"I'm already starving," I said rolling my eyes

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