"But you're real."

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Her eyes lit up everytime she saw my name being mentioned.

I would stare up at her cherubic face breaking into a divine smile whenever she read something that she found funny.

There was always this urge to reach out my hand and tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, but what can ink on paper possibly do other than entertaining the reader?

I would be left in a world of darkness (quite literally) after she moved on to the next few pages where I wasn't featured.

The wait between her closing the book and opening it again the next day...

When the book closes, all would be dark.

"Hey," My friend said. "This night, you look upset. Why is that so?"

"I want to go out there..."

He scoffed.

"In the real world? Do you remember what chapter comes next?"

I blinked at him.

"It's Chapter 32 you idiot! If she reads it, you can't go there even if you want."

"Oh... right." I sighed.

He slapped my back. "Have a good night's sleep. You have to fight against evil tomorrow."

As he disappears behind the pages, I'm left all alone again. I'll never see her again after she reads that damned chapter. Unless she re-reads the book.

I wish I wasn't controlled by a few hundred words. I want to actually run and breathe and enjoy the actual caress of the sun in the real world.

Sometimes, if you hear hard enough, you can find that the real people always whine and complain about their lives. Do they not realize that they've been blessed with so, so many things?

Even my dearest isn't truly happy out there.

A little black teardrop slides down my cheek. I'll never be able to see her again will I?

The next morning, she opens Chapter 32 in the book quickly after finishing her breakfast.

I fight the best I could, trying to defy the fate that the author has given me. The these words bind me like a chain made of black ink.

As the chapter comes to an end, I fell to the ground. It's over.

I look up to see her for hopefully what is not the last time.

Those beautiful eyes are watery.

If I could only step out of the book and hug her and say that everything will be fine.

As she sadly places the bookmark and closes the book again, everything becomes dark again.

The only difference is that, this time the darkness would be eternal.

This OS was inspired from a pinterest post which I read (and could never find again).

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