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People all over the sea knew about the Southern Islands, they were a place many legends have been told about. Today they were famous for their unique culture, their international trade, as well as they were known for their unique locations. So it was no wonder that many traveled to the islands to spent their holiday there.
Once a girl and her family decided to spent their holiday on one, of the mythical Southern Islands. While her parents and her brother wanted to visit one of the famous bars there, the girl decided to explore the town by herself.
She watched how the many stands sold all kind of wonders on the marked and saw how jugglers showed people all kinds of tricks and much more.
It was a wonder that a tiny bookstore, at the side of the street, had managed to catch her attention. The 16-year-old walked in and began to look at all the old books in the shelves. She stopped searching, once she saw one particular book. Its headline read:
„Legends of the Southern Islands- A collection of 100 Tales and Legends. „
She took it out of the shelf and began to read a bit from it.
„The Southern Islands are a place where many stories are told. Now ask yourself: Have you ever dreamed of a forest in gold? Or walked through mists in the forest ground?"
The book seemed interesting, but was far too heavy, so she put it back really quickly.
Maybe there existed a smaller collection with some of these stories?
„Can I help you?", the nice old bookseller asked. „I'm not from here, and I'm searching for some lore about this place.", she replied.
The bookseller showed her now the book, she had already looked at, but the girl kindly declined: „Maybe you have a smaller book, one that is tiny?"
The old Lady nodded and walked over to another shelf, where she started searching.
„Do you like to read poems or do you prefer stories?"
„I prefer stories. Short ones...", the teen replied.
„Alright!", the woman continued searching. A few minutes later, she returned with seven books, laying them down for the girl, so that she could choose from them.
However, the girl didn't seem impressed by the books. She looked only through one or two.
„Have you a collection of short stories? You see, I'm here with my family only this holiday, and we have a tight schedule."
The old woman thought for a moment and took another book out of the shelf. It was much smaller than the other ones, and its headline was: „Tales from the Southern Islands".
„This is a collection of short tales. It's noting special, but maybe this is what you are looking for...", the old woman handed to book over to the girl. She immediately opened it and looked through it.
„Are these independent or related stories?", asked the girl curiously.
„Well, there opinions differ. You can read a few stories and decide that for yourself.", the kind old Lady answered.
So the girl started to read:

Tales of the Southern IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now