Love Like You Part 1

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Requested by- fineFINEgoodGOOD

Thanks for the request, i've tried my best at accurately representing what I believe would happen between Xochitl and y/n based on this song. It'll be very angsty!


If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home!

Was all that rang through my ears as I pushed through what seemed to be an endless stream of people. I was only trying to get into the kitchen, which normally in Joshua's house would be a two second walk, but with heated bodies constantly pushing against you that two seconds turned into what seemed to be a lifetime.

A groan emits from my mouth as someone flung themselves into me, knocking me into the wall, "Dude! Watch-"

My voice is broken into a disappointed sigh as I turn to see an all to familiar face stumbling into me. Xochitl. Of course we'd meet now, after all that's happened I had hoped to never see her again. Maybe I was being dramatic, but she'd hurt me more than I could imagine.

Deep down I really believed that if she disappeared off the face of the earth, i'd be perfectly fine. But let's all be honest here, my heart kept beating for Xochitl Gomez.

"Xochitl! How much—" I'm broken off by her giggling, my hands grabbing her sides in an attempt to stable her offset body, "How many drinks have you had?"

Xochitl brings up her hand, two fingers going up, three...then all five. I wasn't sure exactly what she meant, but what I did know was that she was completely plastered.

She never got this way. In the eight months of our relationship not once had she got drunk, she said she hated it. In the moment, it was amazing, but the morning after the pounding of your head simply wasn't worth it.

"Okay, come on... Do you have a ride?" I ask, my voice laced with coldness as I grab onto her elbow to guide her through the crowd.

"Uhm... Nope! They've left meeee." Xochitl slurred drunkenly, her body leaning against mine as I continued to lead her through the crowds.

"I'm taking you home. Okay?" I sternly spoke to her, not letting her protest whatsoever.

I still loved her deep down, and the last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt at a party while she's drunk and alone. My hands continue to guide her forwards as I walk behind her, her back leaning against me.

"You're either a lightweight of you tried to drown yourself in alcohol." I say, a small chuckle escaping my lips.

"Y/n—" She muttered, her hand on her stomach as she stumbled forwards.

"Do not, don't puke in here— Come on just a few more steps and we're there!" I encouraged, pushing her a bit faster before my hand encased the door knob, opening it.

My eyes move away from her as she doubled over, puking into the grass. I let out a small gag, vomit was the worst thing ever, and I could barely stand to be around it.

"You okay?" I finally ask as a silence consumed us for a moment, and I turn back to face her.

It's evident in her face that puking up a ton of her earlier consumed alcohol sobered her up a bit, but not a tone. I grab onto her arm again, leading her onto the steps and letting her sit there.

"I'm sorry-" She let out, tears flooding into her eyes.

I have to look away, i can't let myself cry in front of her... This is her fault. Not mine. I can't cry. I can't show that I really still care.

Invisible String || Xochitl Gomez Imagines WLWWhere stories live. Discover now