Masked Warrior

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Now with the greatest hurdle cleared the group make their way back to base. Kohaku and (Y/N) sitting and waiting until they hear Suika's dog, Chalk yelping happily. They turn to see that Senku, Chrome and Ginro have made it back alive with bags of sulfuric acid in tow.

Suika: Welcome Back!

Chrome: We made it past the biggest hurdle! We got sulfuric acid!

(Y/N) grabs the bag Senku is carrying, giving him a welcome-back fist bump. Kohaku's eyes brim with happy tears.

Kohaku: Then, at last, we can make the drug to save Ruri!

Chrome: Have some patience. Didn't you see that crazy roadmap to the cure all drug?

Kohaku: That incredibly long one?

Senku: It's not that bad. We have just about everything we need now.

This surprises everyone else.

Senku: We have all the necessary materials. Now it's just a matter of lighting up all the dark spots on the roadmap, one by one.

Senku grabs some flasks.

Senku: Let's plow through today! Time for mad chemical cooking! It's gonna be exhilarating!

Outside, Senku had poured some of the sulfuric acid into a pot, setting a fire underneath to boil it.

Senku: First, we boil the sulfuric acid we got, and add a pinch of salt.

Suika is squats down and looks at the weird complex glass sculpture Kaseki made for this.

Suika: There's a weird glass sculpture with a stick in the middle.

Kaseki starts crying.

Kaseki: How dare you make me make such a complicated thing?! I don't know what you're using it for, but you've gone and made me all excited!

Senku connects the glass sculpture to another beaker with the top blocked off and Chrome wearing the gas mask due to his proximity.

Senku: It's a water dripping machine.

Chrome: Are we catching the gas that's coming out of the sulfuric acid and salt mixture as it drips?

Senku holds the water dripping beaker.

Senku: Now we've got hydrochloric acid.

Kohaku: Hydrochloric Acid?

Suika sees this fidgeting from seeing the chemical.

Senku: It's a somewhat dangerous chemical. Get it in your eyes, and you'll go blind. Next, the sinters from the sulfuric acid spring, which people love taking home from hot springs.

These are the rocks that Senku had dug from when they were grabbing the sulfuric acid.

Senku: Boil this stuff, throw it into the hydrochloric acid we just made, and...

Senku holds up a smaller beaker.

Senku: Now we have chlorosulfuric acid.

Kohaku: Chlorosulfuric Acid?

Suika was now shaking.

Senku: This stuff is really dangerous. Get it on your skin, and you'll turn into a skulking zombie.

(Y/N): Jefe, you're scaring Suika...

Ginro and Kinro are spinning the generator for electricity. Senku taps the wires on his tongue to test for electricity. Then putting the ends into a pot of Chlorosulfuric Acid, causing it to boil.

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