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Jeongin groaned loudly as the sound of his alarm startled the pleasant dream he was having, rolling to the edge of his bed to turn it off. What a horrible interruption. He was just getting to the best part of the dream. And no, he was not planning to go into detail with it.

Today he was going back to his dorm back in Seoul after spending the weekend with his parents in his old home. It was a break that he was grateful for since he could be a bother to his younger brother and not have to think about everything that filled his mind whenever he was near Seungmin or all the breakdowns he considered having thanks to med school.

Jeongin sighed, tiredly stretching out in his bed before getting out of it. It seemed like his parents had kept his bedroom the same ever since he left a while ago, just making sure it wasn't buried in dust.

His room was pretty minimalistic and barren except for the large bookshelf of random trinkets and gifts he never bothered to use in the corner of the room. Now that part, admittedly, was buried in dust. Which wasn't the case before he moved out, since he liked to be somewhat clean.

Let's not mention his dorm though.

Life was not as lighthearted and easygoing as it used to be a year ago. Maybe it was because of the added stress all his school did, or maybe it was—

No, it was Seungmin. He just was desperate to laugh off what he felt for the older, but it wasn't possible. At least, not in the foreseeable future in where he already once imagined those really romantic dates that he had before with women but way better, or the one time he thought of how it'd feel graduating medical school with a boyfriend.

Jeongin considered multiple times previously that he was going insane. Slowly but surely, he was starting to believe that he would end up in a mental hospital if he didn't make the first move— which he technically already did when asking Seungmin out to the mall, but that didn't really count— and hopefully finally be at peace.

He started packing up his bags quickly, eager and not eager to get back to the person that had technically screwed up his whole mindset and lifestyle.


Seungmin woke up in an unfamiliar bed, but it was definitely one he saw before. One he definitely slept in before this.

Oh. No.

The memories of the previous night came rushing to his head. Him instantly following the other to his house as soon as his shift ended. The two talking about all of Seungmin's feelings. He was 100% sure he cried at least once as he had the makeshift therapy session with them.

And then, after that...

Oh no.

Seungmin did not want to do the same thing his friend did the one night he lost it, and now he wasn't sure as to whether he'd play the same role his friend did. Which was running out of the house and hoping he'd never see them again. Unlucky, because he definitely would have to see them regardless thanks to setting them up with his coworker.

Hyunjin opened the door to his room, seeing the other awake, and sat on the bed next to Seungmin. Too late to decide now.

"Hey," was all that Hyunjin said, looking at the younger. He was already acting like nothing happened the night before.

Just great, Seungmin thought as he mentally groaned. He just nodded in response, not wanting to discuss anything anymore. He 100% lost himself last night and did not want to push it any further. "Hi," he replied.

Hyunjin kept his distance from the younger, yet his presence wrapped around Seungmin like a blanket. "You want breakfast?" he asked nonchalantly, idly tapping his finger on the bedsheet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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