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Hello, My name is Ram. I have a small and sweet family. My family have 3 members. I, mother and an elder sister. I'm a software employee in ABC software solutions. I'm a work-holic person means I love to work. I'm somewhat cold due to circumstances I faced during my childhood.

My father and mother are divorced due to reasons which I don't know. My father and mother both didn't cheat on each other . They have some misunderstandings which I  don't know. But they are good with both of us. My father will not stay with us and come to us when he  want to see us. I didn't have a father to share my feelings even though he is alive. My mom is really strict she always told us to be strong so I can't tell her my feelings. Hence, I became a person who does not  over react may be does not react.

My father and mother did love marriage. So, I'm against to love marriage because family doesn't support us when we have misunderstandings and due to lack of their support we may separate for silly reasons. This is my personal reason. 

I also don't like arrange marriage concept as it is like see one person if we like by their appearance and  for some minutes of talking direct marriage there is no understanding of each other  opinions.

By comparing these two I go for an arrange marriage as I have a problem with love marriage. My  sister Lasya's marriage is also a love marriage with Likith they are happy with their life but I can't take them as example because I saw Likith compromised for many things in his  life that too when it's not necessary.

Actually I don't have a plan to marry and I worked on it really hard by dragging it up to 33 years but now my mother is really pissed off and she is serious about my marriage. She warned me if you don't do marriage this year you will live separately in another house on your own. I can't live without my family I love them maybe they don't know that I love them. So, I gave up my idea of living as bachelor until I die.

I started seeing the matches but I didn't connect to them as in photos as they have an innocent face but when I met them in real their story is different.

Some one told  that they loved someone but she will not cancel marriage I should cancel the marriage. Another girl told me that we should live separate . I'm like the main reason to do marriage is I can't live separately but she is telling this. Some other told me that I'm not handsome and black. I agree I'm black but is it a reason to do marriage anyways people have different opinions and I respect them.

I guarantee one thing may be I'm a cold and straight-forward person but I will respect and try to love the person who comes in my life. As it is my responsibility to protect her and once I married then she belongs to me, I belongs to her and I should agree with this fact. The first reason to do marriage is my mother but by this reason I will not misbehave with her. I will try to understand whoever she is and try to make this marriage successful.

                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED

This story is written by me(realtimefics). The photos is not owned by me. I'm new to writing. This is my first story. Please encourage me. If there are any mistakes comment and tell me as English is not my first language.



                                                         See you in the next part💕💕💕💕

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