Part 2

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*Tarn POV*

We continued running towards the horde zombies to get to Megatron cutting up any that stood in the way.

I can tell Optimus Prime and Ratchet are tired as am I, we back up into each other's backs.

Ratchet: Optimus, this prolonged exposure to Dark Energon is sapping our strength.

Optimus: We cannot falter now.

We break away from each other and continue fighting. I raise my sword and swing it down cutting one in half and activate my cannons and put them into their normal mode where they can kill or destroy and blast through the zombies and stab another through their chest.

But there is too much and we are too exhausted to fight. I see Ratchet get overrun and Optimus as well. I continue fighting trying to keep them as far away from me as possible. I hack, slash, and blast them. One jumps on my back I grab them and throw them off but they use it to pounce on me as I am now overwhelmed. My arms are pulled back and they try and take my mask off as I try and thrash around.

Optimus: YAAAH!

I hear Optimus break out of their grasp. I pull my arm away stab one in the face and blast away more to break out. I transform and start firing my cannons blasting the ones around me to scrap.

I look over to Optimus he looks at me and we look back to Ratchet as we start walking toward him and blast the ones surrounding him away I grab one and use it as a rag doll and smack it into other zombies, as Optimus grabs two by the head and slams them together with so much force that their arms break off from the impact and drops them.

He helps Ratchet up and we run towards Megatron.

Megatron: My legion, finish them!

These things are starting to annoy me. We just barrel through the horde we finish the last of them as Optimus looks up at Megatron as do I.

Megatron: Bravo, Optimus. Though this is but a prelude. You may wish to save your strength for the main event.

Optimus never leaving his glare at Megatron begins walking towards the giant pillar of rock turning his hands back to normal and starts climbing up.

Optimus: You will not prevail, Megatron—(Heavily breathing)—not while Energon still flows through my veins.

He reaches the top but doesn't get up completely just hanging there, and Megatron crouches down to Optimus.

Megatron: Fitting, for it is Dark Energon that flows through mine.

Optimus grunts out and tries grabbing him but misses Megatron jumps up transforms and flies away as Optimus turns one of his hands to his blaster and tries shooting him down but misses.

I start climbing up with Ratchet not far behind I make it up as Ratchet makes it but struggles a bit to get up I offer him my hand which he takes and I pull him up.

Ratchet: If this wasn't Megatron's endgame, what is?

Me: Who knows, but one thing is for certain, it will be either life or death for this planet.

Male Tarn Reader x TFP (Male Reader Insert)being rebooted Where stories live. Discover now