Something interesting...

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*Tarn POV*

It has been a few days since the Scraplet incident Dropkick has gone back to the Autobot base Shatter took some convincing Slipstream and Waspinator have also gone to visit their base they are going to be back in a little bit. I think it's time for them to scan an alternate mode. I am searching for possible alternate modes for them to scan. I also think it's time they go on their first mission with me to scout a possible Energon mine. I decide to step out and explore the area a bit transforming into my tank mode and driving off.

*1 hour and 30 minutes later*

It's been about an hour and a half since I began driving and I transform back into my robot mode and walk around a canyon I have found myself in. Until I come across this cave.

Me: Should I?

Meh might as well. I walk through the cave looking around. It's suspiciously big...I continue walking through and after about thirty minutes I come across a giant metal door with a Cybertronian keypad.

Me: Interesting. I wonder if it'll work.

I walk up to the keypad and slightly crouch now at eye level with it and begin trying to use Tarn's ability to shut things down with his voice.

*39 minutes later*

Ok...last try and if I don't get it then I'll leave. I try again and it shuts down and the door opens.

Me: Huh. I didn't think that would work.

I walk through the door and see in this room another door or elevator. I walk up to it and press a button and it opens up. It's an elevator. I walk in and click it to go down. The door closes and it begins to descend. It opens again to reveal pods all with the Autobot insignia on them. There seems to be a whole bunch of them. There is a few off to the side with no insignia. I need to tell the other Autobots this....

A/N: Apologies for this chapter being incredibly short but I thought I would try throwing in a little twist to it. On another note who or what do you think are in the pods?

Male Tarn Reader x TFP (Male Reader Insert)being rebooted Where stories live. Discover now