Chapter 3: A thick white lunch

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Sonic the hedgehog had spent all of his next class thinking about how he could ask Shadow to help with his maths homework, if he asked incorrectly- Shadow might just give him the answers and then they don't get to spend any time together! But if he seems like he's coming on too hard then Shadow will get creeped out and then Sonic the hedgehog's chances with Shadow are ruined forever. Sonic the hedgehog thought long and hard about how he could walk up to Shadow and ask for his help perfectly- he had to be smooth.

Finally, it was lunch- Sonic the hedgehog only had 2 hours left in the day to ask Shadow. It was now or never. Shadow, being new to the school, sat alone on a 70 seater lunch table eating a mayonnaise sandwich with no bread (he was eating mayonnaise out of a jar with his bare hands- shoving dollop after dollop straight into his mouth) Sonic the hedgehog thought he should wait for Shadow to finish his 887ml (30oz) jar of mayo so he waited before bothering him. 

After about 3 minutes and 27 seconds, Shadow was done. Sonic the hedgehog had counted every second- mainly because he was bored and no matter how hot Shadow was, watching someone eat mayonnaise like that was gross. Sonic the hedgehog started to approach Shadow, his legs were shaking- his face bright red. Sonic the hedgehog was about to pick up the pace and run down the 35 seat long lunch table to Shadow who was sitting directly at the end until Sonic the hedgehog noticed something- something strange. Shadow was pulling out another jar of mayo??? (even as the author I'm confused). 
"Where is he keeping all this mayonnaise???" thought Sonic the hedgehog "He doesn't even have a schoolbag, he walks around holding 2 pencils in his left hand like they're knives"
Before Sonic the hedgehog could think any further about where Shadow was keeping all this mayonnaise and why it was all he was eating, Shadow had already ripped the lid off- this time chugging the mayonnaise straight from the jar. Sonic the hedgehog realised he didn't have much time left of lunch so he made his way over anyway. 

Once Sonic the hedgehog had made it down the table he reached Shadow. All Sonic the hedgehog wanted to do was turn right around and never look back but he had to be strong here.
"Uh h-h-hey Shadow" Sonic the hedgehog choked out
"Hey." Shadow replied coolly, not even looking back at Sonic the hedgehog- he was still trying to lick the mayonnaise jar clean.
"W-would you help me with our maths homework t-tonight? I didn't understand what went on in the lesson and I don't want to fail the class on the first day." 
Shadow turned to look at Sonic the hedgehog, their weird long hedgehog noses almost touching. "Yeah. Be at my house at 7pm tonight, it'll just be us together alone- perfect to do some work together" Shadow said inching closer to the flustered Sonic the hedgehog.
Sonic the hedgehog's heart raced. "His house?? Tonight?!? He's so close to me too, what do I do now?" Sonic the hedgehog was panicking so hard he was about to have a panic attack- he had never been this close to someone so hot.
Shadow licked the remaining mayonnaise off his lips, still inches away from Sonic the hedgehog. Sonic the hedgehog could feel Shadows hot breath on his face- still stinking of mayonnaise. 
After what felt like 6 intimate hours, Shadow turned away only to pull out a third, this time bigger, jar of mayonnaise. Sonic the hedgehog leapt out of his seat using his English book to hide his boner, and ran as fast as he could away from Shadow. He was so happy:
"Does this count as a date?" Sonic the hedgehog thought erotically to himself, "Spending the night with Shadow in his house alone?" His mouth almost watering at the thought.
Sonic the hedgehog got lost in his thoughts about what could happen that night only to be interrupted by the school bell- lunch was over and Sonic the hedgehog hadn't eaten yet. It wasn't that big of a deal to Sonic the hedgehog though, he could just sneak his tuna mayo sandwich in during PE. Although Sonic the hedgehog didn't really want this sandwich after seeing Shadow guzzle 3 jars of mayo.

It was finally time for PE, the last lesson of the day. Sonic the hedgehog didn't enjoy PE unless the sport was track and field, despite his participation in the "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games" for the nintendo wii.
Today was tennis, Sonic the hedgehog didn't think it could be any interesting and would probably take a nap instead- but all that changed when he saw Shadow walk through the doors and onto the courts. He was dressed in all white- and it wasn't the mayonnaise's fault this time. Shadow sat down on a bench and faced the teacher. He still hadn't said a word to Sonic the hedgehog since their "saucy" encounter at lunch.

The sports coach stood up and faced the class with a creepily large smile on his face:

The class stared back at him blankly, they were sick of him and how he kept calling them chat like he was some twitch streamer?
"Tough crowd" Jerma said awkwardly, pulling his collar and gulping like a cartoon character "You guys know how to play tennis, go set up your courts"
The class stood up and started setting up their games, except Sonic the hedgehog who lay down and watched them. 
Sonic the hedgehog sat up in his chair and watched shadow play tennis, his tight white tennis shorts really showed off his ass and Sonic the hedgehog was in love. Every time Shadow swung his racket (which was a lot) his ass jiggled and Sonic the hedgehog had never stared at anything so intently- he was drooling at the sight.
Shadow knew that Sonic the hedgehog was watching and made sure to bend right down to pick up the tennis ball a couple times to keep him entertained.

PE ended after an hour of Sonic the hedgehog staring at Shadow's ass and Sonic the hedgehog was disappointed. He then remembered he was going to Shadows house in a couple hours and that excited him again. As Sonic the hedgehog got up to leave, someone wheeled through the door of the gymnasium- IT WAS TAILS! 
"Already?" Sonic the hedgehog was shocked that he was out the hospital this fast.
Tails rolled towards Sonic the hedgehog on his new gas powered wheel chair (it would've been electric but Tails' family couldn't afford it, so they had to buy a diesel engine wheelchair instead). 
"Hello Sonic the hedgehog" a robot voice spoke out bluntly 
"Tails? why aren't you talking?" Sonic the hedgehog said
Tails had his head wrapped completely in bandages, still bleeding and soaking the bandages on the side of his head where he was hit.
"My motor functions have been damaged and I can't talk" said the text to speech voice "This may even be permanent"
"Wow, I cant believe getting hit in the head with a medium sized rock could do so much damage to you" Sonic the hedgehog replied 
Admittedly, Sonic the hedgehog preferred this text to speech voice over Tails' whiny old voice and hope he would stay wheelchair bound and unable to talk permanently- Sonic the hedgehog would never say this out loud though, that was too bad even for Sonic the hedgehog.
"Did the doctors say there was any other dama-" 
Sonic the hedgehog was interrupted when Tails got hit straight in the head (where the rock hit him before) with a normal tennis ball going 400mph. Sonic the hedgehog turned in horror to see who had managed such a demonic tennis serve.
"Sorry!" shouted knuckles, clearly unbothered about sending a tennis ball through someone's skull (Tails wasn't very well liked)
Sonic the hedgehog looked down on the mess of a corpse by his feet for a good 5 minutes before the paramedics came to take Tails' body away from the school for a second time.

Sonic the hedgehog's mind was plagued with what he had just seen.
"How can someone just kill another person like that?" "What did Tails do to deserve this?"
He was disgusted by the people around him. Until he saw Shadow's ass again and his thoughts were clear- he had to stay on track. He had to make a move on Shadow tonight.

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