Part 13

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Tom: "nah. I love it"
I feel my cheeks burn up but I try to hide from him.
Y/n: "your such a dick Tom"
I hear him take a deep breath
Tom: "I bet u wanna see my dick though"
I feel my jaw drop as I turn to look at him. He's so rude and dirty all the time, yet I can't stop flicking between his lips and his...
Tom: "my eyes are up here darling"
Y/n: "mhm"
Thankfully the lift stopped and I got out as fast as I could. Luckily our room was only a a few doors away from the lift on the left. Perfect! I run over to the door .
'Room 424'
I'm so excited now! The whole hotel is so gorgeous and is filled with antiques and beautiful furniture. We are going to be here for a week so I'm so excited to pick the best bed. Finally, I hear footsteps so I turn around.
Tom: "here y/n"
Tom hands me the key and I excitedly swipe it and open the door, propping open with my foot I push my suitcases in and walk in.
Y/n: "omg it's so beautiful! Look at the light! And look at the... double bed. Oh fuck"
One room and now one bed?! This must be a trap I swear. I turn to look at tom who seems to be into his regular horny mood.
Tom: "u didn't mind last night"
He says smirking and walking straight past me. What?!? I can't share a bed with him again. I had feeling that I shouldn't have with him last night. But I'm not going to sleeping on the floor so I guess there isn't a choice.

Y:n: "I dibs to right side!"
I say as I run and jump in the bed. Oh god it was comfy.
Tom: "comfy huh?"
I open my eyes and see tom stood directly over me, crossed arms and his braids dangling in front of my face. I smile nod. I don't know what it is but there is something about him being so... so confident that makes me feel something. I felt my cheeks start to flush at he smiles down at me. I need to stop feeling like this. I quickly sit up at turn so I'm sat next to Tom. I take my phone out and call tiara.

Tiana: "hey y/n!"
I roll my eyes and coldly reply
Y/n: "i was wondering when we are going to for lunch"
Tiana: "oh um. Okay. We are leaving in an hour"
Y/n: "thanks ttyl"
I hang up the phone and throw it on the bed. I'm just so angry that they all left me- i know they didn't mean it in a bad way but I just hate when people leave me. Im sat on the edge of the bed and I guess im zoned out because I get snapped out of it by Tom sitting in front of me.
Tom: "y/n? You okay darling?"
I don't respond and just look at him.
Tom: "is it me? I'll switch with someone I promised. I'll go talk to bill or someone"
He quickly gets up and starts to walk away. Im upset but it's not toms fault. I can't make him feel like it is. Before he gets to far away, i grab his wrist and gently pull him back.
Y/n: "it's not you Tom. I don't want you to go."
I see him try to hide his smile
Tom: "oh? Okay then."
Still looking at him, i stand up and slowly let go of his hand.
Y/n: "we need to get ready for lunch!"
I smile as we both go of the get ready.

As I'm sat in the bathroom, my phone starts blowing up with messages from everyone. Tbh i can't be bothered to respond so I just carry on straightening my hair. I've put on a tight, dark grey tank top and put on some low rise baggy jeans with trainers. I've done a simple makeup look with a bit of a smoky eye, I've also straightened my hair and put on a black cap. As I'm finishing up I head a nock at the door.
Y/n: "come in"
As i hear the door open i turn to see Tom. He's wearing a tight, grey knit jumper with black jeans and a black and white bandana over his braids. How can he make a jumper look so good? It still manages to show his arms and it just fits him perfectly. I don't know how long i was staring for, but when i looked back up Tom was smiling.
Tom: "like it y/n?"
I just mumble and nod.
Y/n: "i um. What did u want Tom?"
I watch as him eyes scan my body with a smirk.
Tom: "the others have already left for lunch so I was just coming u to see if u were ready"
I put the straighteners down and turn them off, getting up and walking over to Tom.
Y/n: "im ready Tom, let's go"
I grab his arm and drag him out of the bathroom and through to the hallway, grabbing our room keys.

*time skip*
Y/n: "I'll have the kids burger and chips please"
Ever since I've gotten here no one has talked to me and they all look so guilty, did I make them feel bad about the room situation? I feel so bad and I guess I start to overthink again, what if I've made them upset?
Bill: "y/n. Tiana told us about your um... parents. And we are sorry for leaving you. We all are and we promise never to again"
I just smile and grab his hand.
Y/n: "it's okay! Toms cheered me up and isn't that bad a roommate, so it's not the end of the world. Tiana I'm sorry for being so weird earlier, i guess I just needed time to calm down"
I hug her and i can't help but feel like someone is watching me. I quickly sit back and look in front of me. I have a plan. I excuse myself to the toilet, getting up I text Tom to come too. After only a few seconds I hear footsteps coming closer and a tall shadow behind me.
Y/n: "we Need to play with those guys. To get back at them"
I smirk at his clueless expression.
Y/n: "we Need to flirt with eachother. And be obvious. But not to obvious okay?"
Tom smirks and nods
Y/n: "just start with Looks, then compliments!. Right, wait a few minutes to come back okay?"
Tom: "okay darling"
I quickly turn and start to walk away to try and hide me blushing.
Y/n: "hey guys!"
Sarah: "hey!"
I sit down and and start talking to everyone to try and get the conversation flowing. After about 5 mins Tom comes back.
Tom: "sorry guys I just had to take that it was the manager. Don't worry tho it was small and then we just started chatting"
He said smiling as he sat down. I look in front of me at Tom and smirk at him, letting him know our plan starts now.

*toms POV*
As I sit down y/n smirks at me. It's time for the plan and I'm not mad about it. I can't wait to flirt with y/n... we'll even more. I wish it was fr tho.
Y/n: "Tom your bandana's on wonky hold on"
She slowly stands up and walks over to me. I turn to her as she 'straightens' my bandana and she slowly leans to my ear.
Y/n: "I hope you can make this obvious handsome"
I smirk back at her. Oh I won't need to fake anything for this plan.
Tom: "thanks darling"
I say looking up at her, she smiles back and I can see her cheeks turn a shade pinker.
Y/n: "shut up"
She giggles as she walked back around to her seat. I turn back to the table and everyone is looking at us, confused.
Tom: "when are first concert?"
I say trying to get a conversation started
Sabrina: "oh it's um. 2 days away! We have rehearsals tomorrow and the next day."
She says struggling to get her words out.
Tom: "oh thanks Sabrina. I'm so hungry"
Bill: "me too I can't"
Y/n: "me too. But I'm also tired so I can't wait to go to bed"
She says laughing. I can't help but look into her eyes. I can't help but admire her. She is so beautiful.
Tom: "y/n"
Y/n: "yes?"
Oh shit. What am I gonna say? Fuck.
Tom: "um ur top wonky"
I say smirking at her.
Y/n: "is it?"
She's going along with it.
Tom: "mhm. It needs to go way up. Like over you head"
She looks at me with a 'your sooo funny' look but I can see she's blushing.
Y/n: "we can do that later if you want"
She says smirking at me. Ugh I wish.
Tom: "oh yeah?"
Y/n: "well how about after the food"
Tom: "perfect."
I hear bill choke on his water and I look over at him.
Tiana: "what's going-"
Waiter: "so I've got the adults burger!"
Tom: "here please"
Aha! Perfect timing.

*time skip*
I just finished my burger and I'm so fucking full. The whole dinner I kept noticing Tom staring at me and I didn't mind. The whole dinner I couldn't help but think of him. I don't know why but I want him.
Y/n: "Right imma go up and change into something more comfortable"
I say standing up and walking over to Tom. He looks at me kinda confused.
Y/n: "you have the key genius"
I say grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the table
Tom: "uh see u guys for the movie"
As we get to the lift we start bursting out laughing.
Tom: "their faces"
We laugh even harder.
Y/n: "oh god that's so funny I can't"

Once we get into our room I lock the door and sit on the bed. For some reason I wanted Tom. I needed him. I don't know what's got into me but I need him. I start lifting my top up and Tom just stands there staring.
Y/n: "i told u after food"
I throw my top down leaving me with just my bra and jeans. I can't help but stare at him. His eyes were full of lust and desire.
Tom: "y/n are you playing with me"
I just shake my head. My head is thinking the most dirty thoughts and I can't stop them.
Tom: "I need to hear you promise me y/n"
I slowly stand up and take of my jeans.
Y/n: "i promise"
Tom slowly walks over to me.
Tom: "show me"
I quickly close the gap between us and smash my lips against his, our tongues dancing together. He gently picks me up and sits on the bed with me on his lap. We continue to make out for what feels like hours. But Tom breaks away for breath. He take of his top and I can't help but stare at his abs. Oh fuck they were amazing. Tom then comes back and starts kissing my neck. He so good when he does it- he's slow and knows everywhere I want him to be.
I feel his hands travel around my body making me want him even more. To be honest it's not a want anymore.
Y/n: "i need you tom"
I whisper. Tom slowly leaves my neck and smirks at me. He quickly flips me onto my back and he takes off his jeans. He leans back in and kisses me again but more passionate then last time. This time his hands travel down lower and lower.
Tom: "I need you to darling"
Spicy 🤭


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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