Muffin run

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It was the morning after the big bonfire fiasco and as soon as I walked downstairs I could tell that tensions were still high.

My mom and laurel were no where to be found and Jeremiah was in the kitchen making some kind of concoction for Conrad who looked miserable on the couch.

"Someone had a rough night." I said to defuse the tension.

"Good morning Ellie! How did you sleep?" Jeremiah said and gave me a hug with one hand because the other was full of egg.

"Good, still a little frazzled from last night but it's fine."

"I still feel bad about that by the way." He said and looked down.

" Dont be, it's a new day!" I said and squeezed him forearm.

"Well I better get dressed." I said as I began to walk upstairs

"Why where are you going?" He asked me

"Our moms are taking me and belly dress shopping."

"Why?" He looked confused

Well you know that ball your mom was talking about last night at dinner. Well we both agreed to do it. To make you mom happy." I said with a smile

"Well thats great. What time are you leaving?"

Not for a while belly's not even home from her whale watching."

"Whale watching?" He said even more confused

"This guy she met last night goes whale watching and asked her to join i dont really know."

"Huh. Well do you want to take a muffin run before you have to leave me?" He said with his signature smile.

"Sure. Let me just get a sweatshirt on it's chilly this morning." I said but before I even could go upstairs he began to take the hoodie off that he was wearing and handed it to me.

"Here it's already warmed up for you. Now come on." He said and started waking to the car

Car rides with Jeremiah were always the best. We would blast music and i could sing on the top of my lungs without feeling insecure. If we weren't scream singing to Tyler the Creator or Olivia Rodrigo then we were just talking and enjoying each other's company. Some of the best memories I've ever made have been in this car. I even had my first kiss in this car. And its not with who you would think.

It was last summer and i was talking to this random boy named James from the local town. We planned a date at the movies and since Jeremiah had just gotten his license Susannah made him drive us to and pick us up from the theatre. Nothing happened during the movie except for the occasional hand hold before our hands became to sweaty, forcing us to take a break. But after on the ride home we stoped at a gas station because Jeremiah said that he wanted a Red Bull. He's never liked Red Bull because he said they tasted like acid to much so I was a little confused but just kept quiet.

When Jere got out and went inside the store James asked if he could kiss me. I didn't know what to say. I mean I'd never been kissed up to that point and I didn't want to say no and so we kissed. It was ok but I just kind of thought it would be like those romcoms where they both confess their undying love for each other and kiss in the rain on a hill overlooking the city but it wasn't raining and we were sitting in the backseat of my best friend car.

Anyways this car has many special memories for me and it really is a place I feel safe. He makes me feel safe. Maybe that's why I'm so grateful that he's my best friend. He sees me like no one else does and I really appreciate it.

We spent this car ride in silence which was actually really needed. After we got to the bakery we picked out muffins for the household then we sat down to eat the ones we picked out for ourselves before everyone would
attack the muffins back at home.

We sat on a small bench together and ate our muffins just listening to the quiet of the birds chirping and the cars zooming by.

It really was a breezy morning and even with the hoodie I still found myself shivering a little. Then i felt an arm fall over my body and pull me in closer.

"How are you always so cold." He said and squeezed me tight.

"I don't know maybe it's because I'm cold blooded." I said and looked up into his eyes. God there so beautiful.

"Yah probably!" He said taking me out of the trance I was in.

After about 10 minutes of just relaxing  and eating we decided to head back home.

We spent the ride home blasting music and jamming out. Its funny that one of my favorite things about cousins isn't a thing it's a person.

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